Past shows
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V3L 3C5
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Robin McConnell
1685 H Street # 27043
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Recent Posts
Past interviews
- 500
- Aaron Costain, John Martz and Dustin Harbin
- Aaron Renier
- Abby Denson 2006
- Abby Denson 2010
- Adam Warren Panel with guests Brandon Graham, Carla Speed McNeil, Cheryl Lynn Eaton and hosted by David Brothers
- Adam Warren, Brandon Graham and Bryan Lee O'Malley
- Adam Warren, Brandon Graham and Bryan Lee O’Malley in Conversation
- Adrian Tomine
- Aidan Koch
- Al Columbia 2007
- Al Columbia 2011
- Alec Longstreth
- Alex Degen
- Alex Robinson
- Amy Lockhart
- Anders Nilsen 2006
- Anders Nilsen 2008
- Andrei Molotui
- Anna Haifisch
- Anne Ishii and Graham Kolbeins
- Annie Mok
- Annie Murphy
- Ant Sang
- Antoine Cossé
- Anya Davidson
- Arne Bellstorf
- Aron Nels Steinke
- Austin English
- Austin English 2012
- B.ü.L.b Comix with Mathieu Christe
- Bald Eagles
- Bald Eagles aka Victor Cayro
- Barron Storey
- Becca Tobin interviewed by Brandon Graham
- Ben Catmull
- Ben Sears
- Ben Shwartz, Gary Groth and Jeet Heer on Best American Comics Criticism
- Benjamin Marra
- Benjamin Marra 2015
- Bill Ayers and Ryan Tanner Alexander
- Bill Griffith
- Bill Kartalopoulos
- Bill Sienkiewicz Spotlight panel at Emerald City Comicon
- Billy Mavreas
- Black Eye talk with Ryan Standfest, Jeet Heer and Onsmith
- Blaise Larmee
- Blaise Larmee 2016
- Blake Bell on Bill Everett
- Blake Bell on Steve Ditko
- Blexbolex
- Bob Fingerman 2006
- Bob Fingerman 2009
- Bob Schreck
- Boulet
- Box Brown
- Box Brown 2012
- Brad Mackay on Doug Wright
- Brandon Graham
- Brandon Graham, Adam Warren and Bryan Lee O'Malley
- Brandon Graham, James Stokoe, Marley Zarcone and Lars Brown
- Brandon Graham, Michael Deforge and Frank Santoro on Fusion in Comics
- Breaking Into Comics Panel with Pia Guerra, Kaare Andrews, Brandon Graham and Ty Templeton
- Brecht Evens
- Brendan McCarthy
- Brett Warnock and Chris Staros
- Brian Chippendale
- Brian Fukushima
- Brian K Vaughan and Pia Guerra
- Brian Ralph
- Brian Stelfreeze
- Bryan Lee O'Malley
- Bryan Lee O'Malley 2014
- Bryan Lee O'Malley, Adam Warren and Brandon Graham
- Bryan Talbot part 1
- Bryan Talbot part 2
- Bryan Talbot part 3
- Caitlin Skaalrud
- Camilla D'Errico
- Carol Swain and Bruce Paley
- Carol Tyler
- Carol Tyler 2011
- Carol Tyler 2011
- Cartoonists Music
- Cathy Malkasian
- CC Colbert
- CF
- CF 2012
- Charles Forsman
- Chester Brown
- Chip Kidd
- Chip Zdarsky
- Chris Brandt
- Chris Butcher, David Brothers and Brandon Graham
- Chris Cilla
- Chris Mautner, Tim Hodler, and Sean T Collins Reviewing the Comics of 2009
- Chris Staros and Brett Warnock
- Chris Von Szombathy
- Chris Ware and Jeet Heer on Gasoline Alley
- Chris Wright
- Chris Wright 2013
- Christopher Butcher and Dustin Harbin on Comics Retailing
- Christopher Butcher and Peter Birkemoe
- Christopher Butcher, Deb Aoki, Ryan Sands and David Welsh Mangastuds
- Clément Oubrerie
- Colin Upton
- Colin Upton, Mary Fleener, Wayno, and Michael Dowers on Newave Mini Comix
- Colleen Coover
- Colleen Frakes
- Comics as a Form of Media
- Comics Influencing Comics Panel from ECCC with Mike Allred, Nate Powell, Brandon Graham and Moritat
- Comix and Stories 2011 with Rebecca Dart, Robin Bougie and Brandon Graham
- Connor Willumsen
- Corey Lewis
- Corinne
- Craig Thompson
- Craig Yoe 2008
- Craig Yoe 2009
- Craig Yoe 2010
- Critics Roundtable June 2012 Tom Spurgeon, Paul Gravett and Joe McCulloch
- Dakota McFadzean
- Dan Nadel 2007
- Dan Nadel 2010
- Dan Nadel, Jeet Heer and Tom Spurgeon on Comix as Art
- Danny Hellman
- Darryl Ayo
- Darryl Cunningham
- Daryl Seitchik
- Dash Shaw 08
- Dash Shaw 2010
- Dash Shaw 2013
- Dash Shaw and Paul Pope in conversation
- Dash Shaw, Frank Santoro, and Dustin Harbin panel at TCAF
- Dave Cooper
- Dave Kiersh
- Dave Lapp
- Dave Mckean
- Dave Sim
- Dave Sim 2012
- Dave Taylor
- David Brothers interviews Zainab Akhtar
- David Collier
- David Heatley
- David King
- David Lester
- David Lloyd
- David Welsh, Christopher Butcher, Deb Aoki and Ryan Sands Mangastuds
- Dean Motter
- Deb Aoki, Christopher Butcher, Ryan Sands and David Welsh Mangastuds
- Denis Kitchen
- Denis Kitchen on Harvey Kurtzman
- Dennis P Eichhorn
- Derek Kirk Kim and Gene Yang
- Derf
- Derf 2012
- Derf 2016
- Diamanda Galas
- Diana Schutz
- Diane Noomin
- Douglas Wolk, Paul Gravett and Tom Spurgeon on the Best of 08
- Douglas Wolk, Paul Gravett, and Tom Spurgeon on Best of 08
- Drew Friedman
- Drew Weing
- Drippy Town
- Dustin Harbin
- Dustin Harbin and Christopher Butcher on Comics Retailing
- Dustin Harbin, Dash Shaw, and Frank Santoro panel at TCAF
- Dustin Harbin, John Martz and Aaron Costain
- Dylan Horrocks
- Dylan Horrocks 2015
- Dylan Williams
- Ed Brubaker
- Ed Luce
- Ed Piskor
- Eddie Campbell 08
- Eddie Campbell 2007
- Eddie Campbell 2012
- Eddie Campbell on Comics as a Form of Media
- Edie Fake
- Eleanor Davis
- Eleanor Davis and Emily Carroll
- Ellen Forney
- Ellen Forney 2013
- Emily Carroll, Brandon Graham and Jen Vaughn live at Vancouver Art Gallery
- Emma Rios
- Emmanuel Guibert
- Eric Nash on Manga Kamishibai
- Eric Reynolds and Peter Bagge
- Euro Comics Talk Avec Kim Thompson and Bart Beaty
- Evan Dahm
- Evan Dorkin
- Evan Dorkin 2012
- Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson
- Farel Dalrymple
- Farel Dalrymple 2014
- First Show
- Françoise Mouly
- Frank Santoro 08
- Frank Santoro 2007
- Frank Santoro and Brandon Graham
- Frank Santoro, Dash Shaw, and Dustin Harbin panel at TCAF
- Frank Santoro, Michael Deforge and Brandon Graham on Fusion in Comics
- Fred Grisolm and Jamie Dee Galey
- Frederik Peeters
- Funding Drive 2009 Week 1
- Funding Drive 2009 week 2
- Funding Drive 2010 Week 1
- Funding Drive 2010 Week 2
- Gabby Schulz
- Gabby Schulz interviewed by Sean Ford
- Gabrielle Bell
- Gareth Gaudin
- Gary Groth and Kim Thompson
- Gary Groth, Jeet Heer and Ben Shwartz on Best American Comics Criticism
- Gary Panter Featuring Patrick Kyle, Simon Hanselmann and Michael Deforge
- Gary Panter Part 1
- Gary Panter Part 2`
- Gary Panter Part 3
- Gary Taxali
- GB Tran
- Gene Luen Yang
- Gene Yang
- Gene Yang and Derek Kirk Kim
- Genesis P Orridge
- Geneviève Castrée
- Geof Darrow
- George Metzger Part 1
- George Metzger Part 2
- George O'Connor
- Georgia Webber
- Gilbert Hernandez
- Glenn Head
- Graham Annable
- Greg Means
- Harvey James
- Hellen Jo
- Ho Che Anderson
- HTML FLowers
- Ian Boothby and James Lloyd
- Ian Harker and Pat Aulisio
- Iasmin Omar Ata interviewed by Sloane Leong
- Igort
- Illustrated Journey
- Ivan Brunetti 08
- Ivan Brunetti 2006
- Ivan Brunetti 2013
- J Bradley Johnson
- Jacob Ciocci and David Wightman aka Extreme Animals
- Jacob Covey 09
- Jacob Covey and Justin B Williams
- Jaime Hernandez
- Jaime Hernandez 2006
- Jaime Hernandez 2014
- James Jean
- James Kirkpatrick and Jamie Q
- James Kochalka
- James Lloyd and Ian Boothby
- James Stokoe
- James Stokoe, Brandon Graham, Marley Zarcone and Lars Brown
- James Sturm
- James Sturm, Kate Beaton, Ray Fawkes, Jeff Rowland and Rich Stevens on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Jamie Q and James Kirkpatrick
- Jane Mai
- Jason Lutes
- Jason Mclean
- Jason Overby
- Jason Shiga
- Jason T Miles
- Jason Turner and Maneen Bothma 2006
- Jason Turner and Manien Bothma 09
- Jay Lynch
- Jay Potts
- Jeet Heer
- Jeet Heer and Chris Ware on Gasoline Alley
- Jeet Heer and Dr. Paul Stanwood discussing Robert Crumb's Genesis
- Jeet Heer and Kent Worcester on the Comic Studies Reader
- Jeet Heer discussing Krazy Kat
- Jeet Heer on Comics as a Form of Media
- Jeet Heer, Dan Nadel and Tom Spurgeon on Comix as Art
- Jeet Heer, Gary Groth and Ben Shwartz on Best American Comics Criticism
- Jeff Ellis and Jonathan Dalton
- Jeff Lemire
- Jeff Rowland, Kate Beaton, Ray Fawkes, Rich Stevens and James Sturm on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Jeff Smith
- Jeff Smith 2013
- Jeffrey Brown
- Jeffrey Brown and Brandon Graham Stumptown Panel
- Jen Lee
- Jen Vaughn
- Jenny Gonzalez
- Jerry Moriarty Part 1
- Jerry Moriarty Part 2
- Jess Fink
- Jess Johnson
- Jesse Jacobs
- Jesse McManus
- Jesse Moynihan
- Jesse Reklaw
- Jesse Reklaw
- Jessica Abel and Matt Madden
- Jessica Campbell
- JH Williams III
- JH Williams III
- Jill Thompson and Evan Dorkin
- Jillian Tamaki
- Jillian Tamaki 2014
- Jim Blanchard
- Jim Rugg
- Jim Woodring
- Jimmie Robinson
- Jimmy Beaulieu
- Joan Reilly and Shannon O'Leary
- Joann Sfar
- Joe Chiappetta
- Joe Daly
- Joe Decie
- Joe Keatinge
- Joe Matt Part 1
- Joe Matt Part 2
- Joe Mcculoch, Tucker Stone, and Matt Seneca Feb 2012 Review
- Joe Ollmann 2006
- Joe Ollmann and Pascal Girard
- Joe Sacco 2006
- Joe Sacco 2011
- John Bell
- John Kerschbaum
- John Martz
- John Martz, Aaron Costain and Dustin Harbin
- John Pham
- John Pham 2014
- John Porcellino
- John Porcellino, Alex Jansen and Jason Gilmore
- John Stanley Talk
- Johnny Ryan
- Jonah Kinigstein
- Jonathan Bennett
- Jonathan Chandler
- Jonathan Dalton
- Jordan Crane
- Jordan Crane 2014
- Jordan Crane and Sammy Harkham on What Things Do website
- Jordan Shiveley
- Jordyn Bochon, Colleen MacIsaac and Kim Hoang
- Joseph Bergin III and Sean Esty
- Joseph Lambert
- Joseph Remnant
- Josh Bayer
- Josh Neufeld
- Josh Simmons 08
- Josh Simmons 2007
- Josh Simmons 2013
- Juanjo Guarnido
- Julia Gfrörer
- Julia Wertz
- Julia Wertz 2011
- Julian Lawrence
- Julie Delporte
- Junko Mizuno
- Justin Hall and Ken Boesem
- K Thor Jensen
- Kagan Mcleod
- Kat Verhoeven
- Kate Beaton 08
- Kate Beaton 2009
- Kate Beaton, James Sturm, Ray Fawkes, Jeff Rowland and Rich Stevens on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Kate Lacour
- Katherine Collins (Formerly Known as Arn Saba)
- Katherine Collins interviewed by Brandon Graham
- Katie Skelly
- Katie Skelly Interviewed by Joe McCulloch
- KC Green
- Keenan Marshall Kellar
- Keith Jones
- Keith Jones and Lizz Hickey
- Kelly Sue DeConnick
- Ken Dahl
- Kent Worcester and Jeet Heer on the Comics Studies Reader
- Kevin Cannon
- Kevin Czap
- Kevin Eastman
- Kevin Huizenga and Jim Rugg interviewed by Frank Santoro
- Kid Koala
- Kim Deitch Part 1
- Kim Deitch Part 2
- Kim Deitch Part 3
- Kim Thompson and Gary Groth
- Kim Thompson on Jacques Tardi
- Ladronn
- Lala Albert
- Lale Westvind
- Lamar Abrams
- Lando
- Lane Milburn
- Lars Brown
- Laura and Mike Allred
- Laura Knetzger
- Lauren Weinstein
- Lawrence "Rawdog" Hubbard
- Leela Corman
- Leon and Stefan Sadler
- LeSean Thomas
- Leslie Hung and Bryan Lee O'Malley interviewed by Sloane Leong
- Leslie Stein
- Leslie Stein 2016
- Lin Visel
- Linda Medley
- Live at Gosh with Alison Sampson, Jamie Mckelvie and Darryl Cunningham
- Live at Meltdown with Jaime Hernandez, Pen War, Tom Herpich and Bryan Lee O'Malley
- Live at SPX with Simon Hanselmann, Patrick Kyle and Michael Deforge
- Live with Emily Carroll, Becky Cloonan and Boulet
- Live with Emma Rios, Dave Taylor and Scott Snyder
- Live with Johnnie Christmas, Nick Bantock and Sarah Leavitt
- Liz Baillie
- Liz Prince
- Liz Suburbia interviewed by Katie Skelly
- Lorenzo Mattotti
- Lucas Soi
- Lucy Knisley
- Luke Ramsey and Jim Stoten
- Malachi Ward interviewed by Sean Ford
- Malchi Ward
- Malcy Duff
- Marc Bell
- Marc Bell 2015
- Marc Bell and the Nog A Dod crew
- Marcelino Truong
- Mardou
- Marek Bennett
- Mariko Tamaki
- Mariko Tamaki 2014
- Marinaomi
- Mark Atomos Pilon
- Mark Evanier
- Mark Kalesniko
- Mark Siegel
- Mark Siegel 2012
- Marley Zarcone, Brandon Graham, James Stokoe and Lars Brown
- Marv Newland
- Mary Fleener
- Mary Fleener, Colin Upton, Wayno, and Michael Dowers on Newave Mini Comix
- Matt Dembicki
- Matt Forsythe
- Matt Forsythe 2012
- Matt Fraction
- Matt Kindt
- Matt Loux
- Matt Madden and Jessica Abel
- Matt Madden on Comics as a Form of Media
- Matt Seneca, Joe Mcculoch, and Tucker Stone Feb 2012 Review
- Matt Thurber
- Maurice Vellekoop
- Meags Fitzgerald
- Megan Kelso
- Melinda Gebbie
- Meredith Gran interviewed by Sloane Leong
- Mia Kirschener and the I Live Here Project
- Michael DeForge
- Michael Deforge 2012
- Michael DeForge interviewed by Sam Marx
- Michael Deforge interviewed by Zainab Akhtar
- Michael Deforge, Brandon Graham and Frank Santoro on Fusion in Comics
- Michael Dowers, Mary Fleener, Wayno, and Colin Upton on Newave Mini Comix
- Michael Kupperman
- Michael Kupperman 2013
- Michel Rabagliati
- Mickey Zacchilli
- Mike Allred, Craig Thompson and Brandon Graham
- Mike Dawson
- Mike Dawson 2011
- Mike Myhre
- Mimi Pond
- Miriam Katin
- Miriam Libicki 08
- Miriam Libicki 2006
- Miss Lasko-Gross
- MK Reed
- Molly Colleen O'Connell
- Moomin Chat with Paul Gravett and Juhani Tolvanen
- Morgan Jeske interviewed by Sloane Leong
- Mu Pan
- Nate Bulmer
- Nate Neal
- Nate Powell
- Nate Powell 2012
- Nathan Fox
- Neal Adams
- Nick Abadzis
- Nick Bantock
- Nick Bertozzi
- Nicolas Mahler
- Nicole Georges
- Nina Bunjevac
- Noah Van Sciver
- Noah Van Sciver 2012
- Noah Van Sciver 2015
- Noah Van Sciver and Seth
- Noel Freibert
- Oliver East
- Olivier Schrauwen
- Oscar Caheen Discussion
- Pascal Girard and Joe Ollmann
- Pat Aulisio and Ian Harker
- Pat Grant
- Pat McEown
- Patrick Kyle
- Patrick Rosenkranz on the work of Greg Irons
- Patrick Rosenkranz on the work of Rand Holmes
- Paul Buhle
- Paul Gravett
- Paul Hornschemeier 09
- Paul Hornschemeier 2008
- Paul Karasik
- Paul Mavrides
- Paul Pope
- Paul Pope and Dash Shaw in conversation
- Paul Pope, Brandon Graham and Sam Hiti In Conversation
- Peter Bagge 2006
- Peter Bagge and Eric Reynolds
- Peter Birkemoe and Christopher Butcher
- Peter Kuper
- Peter Thompson
- Phil McAndrew
- Philip Barrett and Robin Bougie
- Philip Nel and Eric Reynolds on Crockett Johnson
- Philippe Girard
- Pia Guerra and Brian K Vaughan
- Prophet Roundtable with Brandon Graham, Simon Roy, Farel Dalrymple and Joseph Bergin III
- Qiana Whitted
- R Sikoryak
- Ralph Steadman
- Ray Fawkes, Jeff Rowland, Kate Beaton, Rich Stevens and James Sturm on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Ray Fenwick
- Rebecca Dart
- Rebecca Sugar
- Renee French 2006
- Renee French 2010
- Rich Stevens, Kate Beaton, Ray Fawkes, Jeff Rowland and James Sturm on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Rich Tommaso
- Richard Poplak on Kenk
- Rick Geary
- Rick Veitch
- Rina Ayuyang
- Rob Liefeld
- Robert Goodin
- Robert Goodin 2015
- Roberta Gregory
- Robin Bougie 2006
- Robin Bouie and Philip Barrett
- Robin Enrico
- Robin Thompson
- Rod Filbrandt
- Roman Muradov 2014
- Roman Muradov 2017
- Ron Rege Jr
- Ron Rege Jr 2014
- Ron Turner
- Ron WImberly
- Ruppert and Mulot
- Rutu Modan
- Ryan Cecil Smith
- Ryan Heshka
- Ryan Sands
- Ryan Sands, Christopher Butcher, Deb Aoki and David Welsh Mangastuds
- Ryan Tanner Alexander and Bill Ayers
- Sam Alden
- Sam Gaskin
- Sam Henderson
- Sammy Harkham
- Sammy Harkham and Jordan Crane on What Things Do website
- Sarah Glidden
- Sarah Glidden Stumptown Panel
- Sarah Leavitt
- Sarah Oleksyk
- Scott Chantler
- Scott Hampton
- Scott McCloud
- Scott McCloud 2015
- Scott McCloud on Comics as a Form of Media
- Sean Azzopardi
- Sean Christensen
- Sean Esty and Joseph Bergin III
- Sean Ford
- Sean T Collins
- Sean T Collins, Tim Hodler, and Chris Mautner Reviewing the Comics of 2009
- Seth 2005
- Seth 2009
- Seth and Noah Van Sciver
- Shannon Gerard
- Shannon O'Leary
- Shannon Wheeler
- Sharon Rudahl
- Shaun Tan
- Simon Bisley
- Simon Gardenfors
- Simon Hanselmann
- Simon Hanselmann 2014
- Simon Moreton
- Simon Roy
- Sloane Leong and Joseph Bergin III
- Sloane Leong Fantasy panel with guests Jayd Ait-Kaci, Farel Dalrymple, Evan Dahm, Sam Beck and Kel McDonald
- Sloane Leong hosted panel on Exploring Alternative Story Structure with Brandon Graham, David Brothers, Jen Wang, and Meredith Gran
- Sloane Leong hosted panel on Shaping Space and Time in Comics with Brandon Graham, David Brothers, Adam Warren, Meredith Gran and Farel Dalrymple
- Smell of Steve
- Sonja Ahlers
- Sophia Yanow, Francois Samson-Dunlop and Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau
- Sophie Goldstein
- Spain Rodriguez
- Spiegelman and Bruce Grenville on the Krazy show at the Vancouver Art Gallery
- Spiegelman on Chris Ware
- Spiegelman on George Herriman
- Spiegelman on Harvey Kurtzman
- Spiegelman on Jerry Moriarty
- Spiegelman on Justin Green and Kim Deitch
- Spiegelman on Philip Guston
- Spiegelman on Seth
- Spiegelman on Spiegelman
- Spike Trotman
- Stephen Collins
- Steve Bissette Part 1
- Steve Bissette Part 2
- Steve Lafler
- Steve Lecouilliard
- Steve Rolston
- Steve Rolston and Verne Andru
- Steve Weissman
- Steve Wolfhard
- Steven T Seagle
- Steven Weissman
- Stuart Hample
- Sully
- T Edward Bak
- Tatiana Gill
- TCAF Panel: Adrian Tomine, Jillian Tamaki, Lorenzo Mattotti
- Ted Mann
- Ted Stearn
- The Work of Rob Liefeld discussed by Brandon Graham, Ed Piskor and Joe Keatinge
- Thi Bui
- Tillie Walden interviewed by Sean Ford
- Tim Goodyear
- Tim Hensley
- Tim Hensley interviewed by Roman Muradov
- Tim Hodler
- Tim Hodler, Chris Mautner, and Sean T Collins Reviewing the Comics of 2009
- Tim Lane
- Tim Sale
- Tin Can Forest
- Todd Hignite
- Tom Ellard
- Tom Hart
- Tom Neely
- Tom Neely 2011
- Tom Spurgeon
- Tom Spurgeon on Comics as a Form of Media
- Tom Spurgeon, Douglas Wolk and Paul Gravett on the best of 08
- Tom Van Deusen
- Tony Cliff
- Tony Millionaire 2006
- Tony Millionaire 2009
- Trevlin Utz
- Trevor Alixopulos
- Trina Robbins
- Troy Little
- Troy Nixey
- Tucker Stone, Joe Mcculoch, and Matt Seneca Feb 2012 Review
- Tyler Crook
- Ulli Lust
- Vera Brosgol
- Verne Andru and Steve Rolston
- Walter Scott
- Wayno, Mary Fleener, Colin Upton, and Michael Dowers on Newave Mini Comix
- Whit Taylor
- Wilfred Santiago
- Will Dinski
- William Cardini
- Wren McDonald
- Zac Gorman
- Zach Worton
- Zainab Abirached
- Zak Sally
- Zak Sally 2012
Author Archives: Inkstuds
Aisha Franz
German cartoonist, Aisha Franz joined me to talk about her latest comics work, Shit is Real, out from Drawn and Quarterly. She is also one of the people behind the fantastic Clubhouse anthology, beautifully printed by Colorama. The latest issue, … Continue reading
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Eric Kostiuk Williams
A very delayed inkstuds. Apologies to everyone! here is an interview with the Great Eric Kostiuk Williams. His latest work is Our Wretched Town Hall from Retrofit. I love love love Eric’s work. It’s political, funny and beautifully drawn. He … Continue reading
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Sometimes life is hard and you try to find things that get you through. Energy drinks seem to be that thing for me. I love comics. Dearly. But they are hard. It’s hard to keep up and understand what’s going … Continue reading
Posted in Drinkstuds, Interview
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Liam Sharp
I was able to meet up in person with Liam Sharp while he is Vancouver for a local comics show. I have always been really into his work and fascinated by his approach. He’s currently the artist on Green Lantern … Continue reading
Karl Stevens
Karl Stevens joined me to talk about his painting and comics work. His latest book, The Winner from Retrofit/Big Planet, is a great move forward in his work and shows some amazing growth and introspection. I am really excited by … Continue reading
Joe Kessler
Breakdown Press Co-Founder, Designer and Cartoonist, Joe Kessler joined me to talk about his new collection, Windowpane and shine a light on a bit of the history of Breakdown Press. Breakdown is one of the most interesting publishers in the … Continue reading
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Reading Stack January 17 2019
Life’s been really busy for me lately, so I haven’t been able to do as many interviews as I would like. I still read comics though, and have been posting small reviews on Twitter and Instagram. Here’s a look at … Continue reading
Posted in Review by Robin
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Steve Skroce
Vancouver cartoonist, Steve Skroce joined me to talk about his latest book, Maestros. This is Steve’s first book written for himself, having previously worked with a wide range of writers like Alan Moore on Youngblood, Brian K Vaughn on We … Continue reading
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David Small
David Small joined me to talk about his latest book, Home After Dark. While his previous work, Stitches was a memoir, his latest is a work of fiction that still captures a similar feeling and emotion. I really liked the … Continue reading
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Live talk with Anna Haifisch, Marian Churchland and Olivier Schrauwen
Last year I joined the board of Directors for the Vancouver Comic Art Festival. It’s been really fun getting more involved in supporting local events and comics happening. The first event we did outside of the regular festival, was this … Continue reading

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