Fresh on the heels of Convention season, Alex Robinson sat down with us for a chat over the phone to talk about his books, Box Office Poison
and the more recent, Tricked
. Alex’s books are great stories involving some realistic approach to interpersonal relationships. Just last week, Alex received a Harvey Award
for Best Original Graphic Novel.
Past shows
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Recent Posts
Past interviews
- 500
- Aaron Costain, John Martz and Dustin Harbin
- Aaron Renier
- Abby Denson 2006
- Abby Denson 2010
- Adam Warren Panel with guests Brandon Graham, Carla Speed McNeil, Cheryl Lynn Eaton and hosted by David Brothers
- Adam Warren, Brandon Graham and Bryan Lee O'Malley
- Adam Warren, Brandon Graham and Bryan Lee O’Malley in Conversation
- Adrian Tomine
- Aidan Koch
- Al Columbia 2007
- Al Columbia 2011
- Alec Longstreth
- Alex Degen
- Alex Robinson
- Amy Lockhart
- Anders Nilsen 2006
- Anders Nilsen 2008
- Andrei Molotui
- Anna Haifisch
- Anne Ishii and Graham Kolbeins
- Annie Mok
- Annie Murphy
- Ant Sang
- Antoine Cossé
- Anya Davidson
- Arne Bellstorf
- Aron Nels Steinke
- Austin English
- Austin English 2012
- B.ü.L.b Comix with Mathieu Christe
- Bald Eagles
- Bald Eagles aka Victor Cayro
- Barron Storey
- Becca Tobin interviewed by Brandon Graham
- Ben Catmull
- Ben Sears
- Ben Shwartz, Gary Groth and Jeet Heer on Best American Comics Criticism
- Benjamin Marra
- Benjamin Marra 2015
- Bill Ayers and Ryan Tanner Alexander
- Bill Griffith
- Bill Kartalopoulos
- Bill Sienkiewicz Spotlight panel at Emerald City Comicon
- Billy Mavreas
- Black Eye talk with Ryan Standfest, Jeet Heer and Onsmith
- Blaise Larmee
- Blaise Larmee 2016
- Blake Bell on Bill Everett
- Blake Bell on Steve Ditko
- Blexbolex
- Bob Fingerman 2006
- Bob Fingerman 2009
- Bob Schreck
- Boulet
- Box Brown
- Box Brown 2012
- Brad Mackay on Doug Wright
- Brandon Graham
- Brandon Graham, Adam Warren and Bryan Lee O'Malley
- Brandon Graham, James Stokoe, Marley Zarcone and Lars Brown
- Brandon Graham, Michael Deforge and Frank Santoro on Fusion in Comics
- Breaking Into Comics Panel with Pia Guerra, Kaare Andrews, Brandon Graham and Ty Templeton
- Brecht Evens
- Brendan McCarthy
- Brett Warnock and Chris Staros
- Brian Chippendale
- Brian Fukushima
- Brian K Vaughan and Pia Guerra
- Brian Ralph
- Brian Stelfreeze
- Bryan Lee O'Malley
- Bryan Lee O'Malley 2014
- Bryan Lee O'Malley, Adam Warren and Brandon Graham
- Bryan Talbot part 1
- Bryan Talbot part 2
- Bryan Talbot part 3
- Caitlin Skaalrud
- Camilla D'Errico
- Carol Swain and Bruce Paley
- Carol Tyler
- Carol Tyler 2011
- Carol Tyler 2011
- Cartoonists Music
- Cathy Malkasian
- CC Colbert
- CF
- CF 2012
- Charles Forsman
- Chester Brown
- Chip Kidd
- Chip Zdarsky
- Chris Brandt
- Chris Butcher, David Brothers and Brandon Graham
- Chris Cilla
- Chris Mautner, Tim Hodler, and Sean T Collins Reviewing the Comics of 2009
- Chris Staros and Brett Warnock
- Chris Von Szombathy
- Chris Ware and Jeet Heer on Gasoline Alley
- Chris Wright
- Chris Wright 2013
- Christopher Butcher and Dustin Harbin on Comics Retailing
- Christopher Butcher and Peter Birkemoe
- Christopher Butcher, Deb Aoki, Ryan Sands and David Welsh Mangastuds
- Clément Oubrerie
- Colin Upton
- Colin Upton, Mary Fleener, Wayno, and Michael Dowers on Newave Mini Comix
- Colleen Coover
- Colleen Frakes
- Comics as a Form of Media
- Comics Influencing Comics Panel from ECCC with Mike Allred, Nate Powell, Brandon Graham and Moritat
- Comix and Stories 2011 with Rebecca Dart, Robin Bougie and Brandon Graham
- Connor Willumsen
- Corey Lewis
- Corinne
- Craig Thompson
- Craig Yoe 2008
- Craig Yoe 2009
- Craig Yoe 2010
- Critics Roundtable June 2012 Tom Spurgeon, Paul Gravett and Joe McCulloch
- Dakota McFadzean
- Dan Nadel 2007
- Dan Nadel 2010
- Dan Nadel, Jeet Heer and Tom Spurgeon on Comix as Art
- Danny Hellman
- Darryl Ayo
- Darryl Cunningham
- Daryl Seitchik
- Dash Shaw 08
- Dash Shaw 2010
- Dash Shaw 2013
- Dash Shaw and Paul Pope in conversation
- Dash Shaw, Frank Santoro, and Dustin Harbin panel at TCAF
- Dave Cooper
- Dave Kiersh
- Dave Lapp
- Dave Mckean
- Dave Sim
- Dave Sim 2012
- Dave Taylor
- David Brothers interviews Zainab Akhtar
- David Collier
- David Heatley
- David King
- David Lester
- David Lloyd
- David Welsh, Christopher Butcher, Deb Aoki and Ryan Sands Mangastuds
- Dean Motter
- Deb Aoki, Christopher Butcher, Ryan Sands and David Welsh Mangastuds
- Denis Kitchen
- Denis Kitchen on Harvey Kurtzman
- Dennis P Eichhorn
- Derek Kirk Kim and Gene Yang
- Derf
- Derf 2012
- Derf 2016
- Diamanda Galas
- Diana Schutz
- Diane Noomin
- Douglas Wolk, Paul Gravett and Tom Spurgeon on the Best of 08
- Douglas Wolk, Paul Gravett, and Tom Spurgeon on Best of 08
- Drew Friedman
- Drew Weing
- Drippy Town
- Dustin Harbin
- Dustin Harbin and Christopher Butcher on Comics Retailing
- Dustin Harbin, Dash Shaw, and Frank Santoro panel at TCAF
- Dustin Harbin, John Martz and Aaron Costain
- Dylan Horrocks
- Dylan Horrocks 2015
- Dylan Williams
- Ed Brubaker
- Ed Luce
- Ed Piskor
- Eddie Campbell 08
- Eddie Campbell 2007
- Eddie Campbell 2012
- Eddie Campbell on Comics as a Form of Media
- Edie Fake
- Eleanor Davis
- Eleanor Davis and Emily Carroll
- Ellen Forney
- Ellen Forney 2013
- Emily Carroll, Brandon Graham and Jen Vaughn live at Vancouver Art Gallery
- Emma Rios
- Emmanuel Guibert
- Eric Nash on Manga Kamishibai
- Eric Reynolds and Peter Bagge
- Euro Comics Talk Avec Kim Thompson and Bart Beaty
- Evan Dahm
- Evan Dorkin
- Evan Dorkin 2012
- Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson
- Farel Dalrymple
- Farel Dalrymple 2014
- First Show
- Françoise Mouly
- Frank Santoro 08
- Frank Santoro 2007
- Frank Santoro and Brandon Graham
- Frank Santoro, Dash Shaw, and Dustin Harbin panel at TCAF
- Frank Santoro, Michael Deforge and Brandon Graham on Fusion in Comics
- Fred Grisolm and Jamie Dee Galey
- Frederik Peeters
- Funding Drive 2009 Week 1
- Funding Drive 2009 week 2
- Funding Drive 2010 Week 1
- Funding Drive 2010 Week 2
- Gabby Schulz
- Gabby Schulz interviewed by Sean Ford
- Gabrielle Bell
- Gareth Gaudin
- Gary Groth and Kim Thompson
- Gary Groth, Jeet Heer and Ben Shwartz on Best American Comics Criticism
- Gary Panter Featuring Patrick Kyle, Simon Hanselmann and Michael Deforge
- Gary Panter Part 1
- Gary Panter Part 2`
- Gary Panter Part 3
- Gary Taxali
- GB Tran
- Gene Luen Yang
- Gene Yang
- Gene Yang and Derek Kirk Kim
- Genesis P Orridge
- Geneviève Castrée
- Geof Darrow
- George Metzger Part 1
- George Metzger Part 2
- George O'Connor
- Georgia Webber
- Gilbert Hernandez
- Glenn Head
- Graham Annable
- Greg Means
- Harvey James
- Hellen Jo
- Ho Che Anderson
- HTML FLowers
- Ian Boothby and James Lloyd
- Ian Harker and Pat Aulisio
- Iasmin Omar Ata interviewed by Sloane Leong
- Igort
- Illustrated Journey
- Ivan Brunetti 08
- Ivan Brunetti 2006
- Ivan Brunetti 2013
- J Bradley Johnson
- Jacob Ciocci and David Wightman aka Extreme Animals
- Jacob Covey 09
- Jacob Covey and Justin B Williams
- Jaime Hernandez
- Jaime Hernandez 2006
- Jaime Hernandez 2014
- James Jean
- James Kirkpatrick and Jamie Q
- James Kochalka
- James Lloyd and Ian Boothby
- James Stokoe
- James Stokoe, Brandon Graham, Marley Zarcone and Lars Brown
- James Sturm
- James Sturm, Kate Beaton, Ray Fawkes, Jeff Rowland and Rich Stevens on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Jamie Q and James Kirkpatrick
- Jane Mai
- Jason Lutes
- Jason Mclean
- Jason Overby
- Jason Shiga
- Jason T Miles
- Jason Turner and Maneen Bothma 2006
- Jason Turner and Manien Bothma 09
- Jay Lynch
- Jay Potts
- Jeet Heer
- Jeet Heer and Chris Ware on Gasoline Alley
- Jeet Heer and Dr. Paul Stanwood discussing Robert Crumb's Genesis
- Jeet Heer and Kent Worcester on the Comic Studies Reader
- Jeet Heer discussing Krazy Kat
- Jeet Heer on Comics as a Form of Media
- Jeet Heer, Dan Nadel and Tom Spurgeon on Comix as Art
- Jeet Heer, Gary Groth and Ben Shwartz on Best American Comics Criticism
- Jeff Ellis and Jonathan Dalton
- Jeff Lemire
- Jeff Rowland, Kate Beaton, Ray Fawkes, Rich Stevens and James Sturm on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Jeff Smith
- Jeff Smith 2013
- Jeffrey Brown
- Jeffrey Brown and Brandon Graham Stumptown Panel
- Jen Lee
- Jen Vaughn
- Jenny Gonzalez
- Jerry Moriarty Part 1
- Jerry Moriarty Part 2
- Jess Fink
- Jess Johnson
- Jesse Jacobs
- Jesse McManus
- Jesse Moynihan
- Jesse Reklaw
- Jesse Reklaw
- Jessica Abel and Matt Madden
- Jessica Campbell
- JH Williams III
- JH Williams III
- Jill Thompson and Evan Dorkin
- Jillian Tamaki
- Jillian Tamaki 2014
- Jim Blanchard
- Jim Rugg
- Jim Woodring
- Jimmie Robinson
- Jimmy Beaulieu
- Joan Reilly and Shannon O'Leary
- Joann Sfar
- Joe Chiappetta
- Joe Daly
- Joe Decie
- Joe Keatinge
- Joe Matt Part 1
- Joe Matt Part 2
- Joe Mcculoch, Tucker Stone, and Matt Seneca Feb 2012 Review
- Joe Ollmann 2006
- Joe Ollmann and Pascal Girard
- Joe Sacco 2006
- Joe Sacco 2011
- John Bell
- John Kerschbaum
- John Martz
- John Martz, Aaron Costain and Dustin Harbin
- John Pham
- John Pham 2014
- John Porcellino
- John Porcellino, Alex Jansen and Jason Gilmore
- John Stanley Talk
- Johnny Ryan
- Jonah Kinigstein
- Jonathan Bennett
- Jonathan Chandler
- Jonathan Dalton
- Jordan Crane
- Jordan Crane 2014
- Jordan Crane and Sammy Harkham on What Things Do website
- Jordan Shiveley
- Jordyn Bochon, Colleen MacIsaac and Kim Hoang
- Joseph Bergin III and Sean Esty
- Joseph Lambert
- Joseph Remnant
- Josh Bayer
- Josh Neufeld
- Josh Simmons 08
- Josh Simmons 2007
- Josh Simmons 2013
- Juanjo Guarnido
- Julia Gfrörer
- Julia Wertz
- Julia Wertz 2011
- Julian Lawrence
- Julie Delporte
- Junko Mizuno
- Justin Hall and Ken Boesem
- K Thor Jensen
- Kagan Mcleod
- Kat Verhoeven
- Kate Beaton 08
- Kate Beaton 2009
- Kate Beaton, James Sturm, Ray Fawkes, Jeff Rowland and Rich Stevens on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Kate Lacour
- Katherine Collins (Formerly Known as Arn Saba)
- Katherine Collins interviewed by Brandon Graham
- Katie Skelly
- Katie Skelly Interviewed by Joe McCulloch
- KC Green
- Keenan Marshall Kellar
- Keith Jones
- Keith Jones and Lizz Hickey
- Kelly Sue DeConnick
- Ken Dahl
- Kent Worcester and Jeet Heer on the Comics Studies Reader
- Kevin Cannon
- Kevin Czap
- Kevin Eastman
- Kevin Huizenga and Jim Rugg interviewed by Frank Santoro
- Kid Koala
- Kim Deitch Part 1
- Kim Deitch Part 2
- Kim Deitch Part 3
- Kim Thompson and Gary Groth
- Kim Thompson on Jacques Tardi
- Ladronn
- Lala Albert
- Lale Westvind
- Lamar Abrams
- Lando
- Lane Milburn
- Lars Brown
- Laura and Mike Allred
- Laura Knetzger
- Lauren Weinstein
- Lawrence "Rawdog" Hubbard
- Leela Corman
- Leon and Stefan Sadler
- LeSean Thomas
- Leslie Hung and Bryan Lee O'Malley interviewed by Sloane Leong
- Leslie Stein
- Leslie Stein 2016
- Lin Visel
- Linda Medley
- Live at Gosh with Alison Sampson, Jamie Mckelvie and Darryl Cunningham
- Live at Meltdown with Jaime Hernandez, Pen War, Tom Herpich and Bryan Lee O'Malley
- Live at SPX with Simon Hanselmann, Patrick Kyle and Michael Deforge
- Live with Emily Carroll, Becky Cloonan and Boulet
- Live with Emma Rios, Dave Taylor and Scott Snyder
- Live with Johnnie Christmas, Nick Bantock and Sarah Leavitt
- Liz Baillie
- Liz Prince
- Liz Suburbia interviewed by Katie Skelly
- Lorenzo Mattotti
- Lucas Soi
- Lucy Knisley
- Luke Ramsey and Jim Stoten
- Malachi Ward interviewed by Sean Ford
- Malchi Ward
- Malcy Duff
- Marc Bell
- Marc Bell 2015
- Marc Bell and the Nog A Dod crew
- Marcelino Truong
- Mardou
- Marek Bennett
- Mariko Tamaki
- Mariko Tamaki 2014
- Marinaomi
- Mark Atomos Pilon
- Mark Evanier
- Mark Kalesniko
- Mark Siegel
- Mark Siegel 2012
- Marley Zarcone, Brandon Graham, James Stokoe and Lars Brown
- Marv Newland
- Mary Fleener
- Mary Fleener, Colin Upton, Wayno, and Michael Dowers on Newave Mini Comix
- Matt Dembicki
- Matt Forsythe
- Matt Forsythe 2012
- Matt Fraction
- Matt Kindt
- Matt Loux
- Matt Madden and Jessica Abel
- Matt Madden on Comics as a Form of Media
- Matt Seneca, Joe Mcculoch, and Tucker Stone Feb 2012 Review
- Matt Thurber
- Maurice Vellekoop
- Meags Fitzgerald
- Megan Kelso
- Melinda Gebbie
- Meredith Gran interviewed by Sloane Leong
- Mia Kirschener and the I Live Here Project
- Michael DeForge
- Michael Deforge 2012
- Michael DeForge interviewed by Sam Marx
- Michael Deforge interviewed by Zainab Akhtar
- Michael Deforge, Brandon Graham and Frank Santoro on Fusion in Comics
- Michael Dowers, Mary Fleener, Wayno, and Colin Upton on Newave Mini Comix
- Michael Kupperman
- Michael Kupperman 2013
- Michel Rabagliati
- Mickey Zacchilli
- Mike Allred, Craig Thompson and Brandon Graham
- Mike Dawson
- Mike Dawson 2011
- Mike Myhre
- Mimi Pond
- Miriam Katin
- Miriam Libicki 08
- Miriam Libicki 2006
- Miss Lasko-Gross
- MK Reed
- Molly Colleen O'Connell
- Moomin Chat with Paul Gravett and Juhani Tolvanen
- Morgan Jeske interviewed by Sloane Leong
- Mu Pan
- Nate Bulmer
- Nate Neal
- Nate Powell
- Nate Powell 2012
- Nathan Fox
- Neal Adams
- Nick Abadzis
- Nick Bantock
- Nick Bertozzi
- Nicolas Mahler
- Nicole Georges
- Nina Bunjevac
- Noah Van Sciver
- Noah Van Sciver 2012
- Noah Van Sciver 2015
- Noah Van Sciver and Seth
- Noel Freibert
- Oliver East
- Olivier Schrauwen
- Oscar Caheen Discussion
- Pascal Girard and Joe Ollmann
- Pat Aulisio and Ian Harker
- Pat Grant
- Pat McEown
- Patrick Kyle
- Patrick Rosenkranz on the work of Greg Irons
- Patrick Rosenkranz on the work of Rand Holmes
- Paul Buhle
- Paul Gravett
- Paul Hornschemeier 09
- Paul Hornschemeier 2008
- Paul Karasik
- Paul Mavrides
- Paul Pope
- Paul Pope and Dash Shaw in conversation
- Paul Pope, Brandon Graham and Sam Hiti In Conversation
- Peter Bagge 2006
- Peter Bagge and Eric Reynolds
- Peter Birkemoe and Christopher Butcher
- Peter Kuper
- Peter Thompson
- Phil McAndrew
- Philip Barrett and Robin Bougie
- Philip Nel and Eric Reynolds on Crockett Johnson
- Philippe Girard
- Pia Guerra and Brian K Vaughan
- Prophet Roundtable with Brandon Graham, Simon Roy, Farel Dalrymple and Joseph Bergin III
- Qiana Whitted
- R Sikoryak
- Ralph Steadman
- Ray Fawkes, Jeff Rowland, Kate Beaton, Rich Stevens and James Sturm on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Ray Fenwick
- Rebecca Dart
- Rebecca Sugar
- Renee French 2006
- Renee French 2010
- Rich Stevens, Kate Beaton, Ray Fawkes, Jeff Rowland and James Sturm on Comics and Social Media Panel at TCAF 2010
- Rich Tommaso
- Richard Poplak on Kenk
- Rick Geary
- Rick Veitch
- Rina Ayuyang
- Rob Liefeld
- Robert Goodin
- Robert Goodin 2015
- Roberta Gregory
- Robin Bougie 2006
- Robin Bouie and Philip Barrett
- Robin Enrico
- Robin Thompson
- Rod Filbrandt
- Roman Muradov 2014
- Roman Muradov 2017
- Ron Rege Jr
- Ron Rege Jr 2014
- Ron Turner
- Ron WImberly
- Ruppert and Mulot
- Rutu Modan
- Ryan Cecil Smith
- Ryan Heshka
- Ryan Sands
- Ryan Sands, Christopher Butcher, Deb Aoki and David Welsh Mangastuds
- Ryan Tanner Alexander and Bill Ayers
- Sam Alden
- Sam Gaskin
- Sam Henderson
- Sammy Harkham
- Sammy Harkham and Jordan Crane on What Things Do website
- Sarah Glidden
- Sarah Glidden Stumptown Panel
- Sarah Leavitt
- Sarah Oleksyk
- Scott Chantler
- Scott Hampton
- Scott McCloud
- Scott McCloud 2015
- Scott McCloud on Comics as a Form of Media
- Sean Azzopardi
- Sean Christensen
- Sean Esty and Joseph Bergin III
- Sean Ford
- Sean T Collins
- Sean T Collins, Tim Hodler, and Chris Mautner Reviewing the Comics of 2009
- Seth 2005
- Seth 2009
- Seth and Noah Van Sciver
- Shannon Gerard
- Shannon O'Leary
- Shannon Wheeler
- Sharon Rudahl
- Shaun Tan
- Simon Bisley
- Simon Gardenfors
- Simon Hanselmann
- Simon Hanselmann 2014
- Simon Moreton
- Simon Roy
- Sloane Leong and Joseph Bergin III
- Sloane Leong Fantasy panel with guests Jayd Ait-Kaci, Farel Dalrymple, Evan Dahm, Sam Beck and Kel McDonald
- Sloane Leong hosted panel on Exploring Alternative Story Structure with Brandon Graham, David Brothers, Jen Wang, and Meredith Gran
- Sloane Leong hosted panel on Shaping Space and Time in Comics with Brandon Graham, David Brothers, Adam Warren, Meredith Gran and Farel Dalrymple
- Smell of Steve
- Sonja Ahlers
- Sophia Yanow, Francois Samson-Dunlop and Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau
- Sophie Goldstein
- Spain Rodriguez
- Spiegelman and Bruce Grenville on the Krazy show at the Vancouver Art Gallery
- Spiegelman on Chris Ware
- Spiegelman on George Herriman
- Spiegelman on Harvey Kurtzman
- Spiegelman on Jerry Moriarty
- Spiegelman on Justin Green and Kim Deitch
- Spiegelman on Philip Guston
- Spiegelman on Seth
- Spiegelman on Spiegelman
- Spike Trotman
- Stephen Collins
- Steve Bissette Part 1
- Steve Bissette Part 2
- Steve Lafler
- Steve Lecouilliard
- Steve Rolston
- Steve Rolston and Verne Andru
- Steve Weissman
- Steve Wolfhard
- Steven T Seagle
- Steven Weissman
- Stuart Hample
- Sully
- T Edward Bak
- Tatiana Gill
- TCAF Panel: Adrian Tomine, Jillian Tamaki, Lorenzo Mattotti
- Ted Mann
- Ted Stearn
- The Work of Rob Liefeld discussed by Brandon Graham, Ed Piskor and Joe Keatinge
- Thi Bui
- Tillie Walden interviewed by Sean Ford
- Tim Goodyear
- Tim Hensley
- Tim Hensley interviewed by Roman Muradov
- Tim Hodler
- Tim Hodler, Chris Mautner, and Sean T Collins Reviewing the Comics of 2009
- Tim Lane
- Tim Sale
- Tin Can Forest
- Todd Hignite
- Tom Ellard
- Tom Hart
- Tom Neely
- Tom Neely 2011
- Tom Spurgeon
- Tom Spurgeon on Comics as a Form of Media
- Tom Spurgeon, Douglas Wolk and Paul Gravett on the best of 08
- Tom Van Deusen
- Tony Cliff
- Tony Millionaire 2006
- Tony Millionaire 2009
- Trevlin Utz
- Trevor Alixopulos
- Trina Robbins
- Troy Little
- Troy Nixey
- Tucker Stone, Joe Mcculoch, and Matt Seneca Feb 2012 Review
- Tyler Crook
- Ulli Lust
- Vera Brosgol
- Verne Andru and Steve Rolston
- Walter Scott
- Wayno, Mary Fleener, Colin Upton, and Michael Dowers on Newave Mini Comix
- Whit Taylor
- Wilfred Santiago
- Will Dinski
- William Cardini
- Wren McDonald
- Zac Gorman
- Zach Worton
- Zainab Abirached
- Zak Sally
- Zak Sally 2012