4 years In and Still No Refunds Allowed

It’s hard to believe that I have been doing the Inkstuds Radio show for 4 years now, to the day. At first, I had no idea what I was doing, or even why I was doing this. Early shows were a painful mix of dreary dialogue and a more than sufficient amount of umms and ahhhs. When I decided to focus on doing interviews, some people asked me how long I could go without repeating guests, and obviously it has gone on a lot longer than those folks expected. While there have been some guests that have made multiple appearances on the show, I would have them on as often as they would let me talk to them, when you are talking folks like Eddie Campbell, Peter Bagge and others.

Going into this  new year of Inkstuds is very different from the past. Things have been better than ever. I have been able to interview dream guests like Jerry Moriarty, Gary Panter and Ralph Steadman, and have plans to chat with some equally exciting underground legends. I am currently in the process of archiving the old interviews with the help of a very generous transcriber. Some of those interviews are going to hopefully be in a book that I am putting together. I don’t want to say too much as it is, since it’s still a year away. There are also talks of putting together a larger art show in conjunction with the book, but once again, still too soon to say too much.

To commemorate this mild landmark, I will be posting a different Interview or Mixtape each day of the week. To top off the bonus programing, will be an interview I conducted a couple of weeks ago with Seth.

Seth was the first guest that I have ever interviewed. He was very generous with his time 4 years ago, and the same now. The Canadian identity is very important for me in respect to coverage with the show and something that I am going to make more of an attempt to be proactive with.

Thanks so much for listening and please keep support your local comickers. I am sure there is some mini-comic worth checking out at your local comic store. And if your comic store refuses to sell mini’s, then don’t shop there.

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8 Responses to 4 years In and Still No Refunds Allowed

  1. Squally Showers says:


    Don’t forget to thank the co-hosts! It’s the little people who got you where you are today.

  2. carrie says:

    great to be an recent, intermittent part of it all!

  3. David says:

    yeah good for you Robin.

    I have listened to loads of them and even bought some stuff as a result, SUPERSPY for example.

    I am evil enough to have kept the Kim Dietch ones, breaking the moral code of podcasting in the blink of an eye.

    Eddie Campbell should have his own Podcast ‘the thoughts of Eddie’

    Do something about that new Strange Suspense Ditko archive, Blake Bell aint so great an interview but help Fantagraphics sell loads so they do print the rest….er…please!

  4. Congrats, Robin!

    And re: your last paragraph: right on.

  5. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  6. JTW says:

    I’m so glad I found this blog, you have another loyal listener

  7. Pat Grant says:

    wooh! Congratulations Robin.
    I’ve listened to the fist interview with Seth three times now which goes to show two things. One, that there aint much out there to entertain a lonely cartoonist who likes to listen talk radio late at night, and two, that this project your working has genuine shelf life. You should be really proud to be making radio that is more than your usual airwave ephemera.

    Is this where we chant ‘Four More Years’?

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