5 Cartoonists You Should Be Reading Stuff By

I don’t get enoough to document everything i read, but here is some folks who’s work I always enjoy.

Will Dinski just got some props during APE, by receiving the Isotope award. He really deserves the accolades. His comics are all constructed like fine pieces of art. Not only do they look pretty, but they also read great.

Britt Wilson is a supertalented lady out of Toronto. Her comics are well crafted little slices of enjoyment. She really shines when she does her painted work. Britt is still pretty young, so I suggest you get to know her stuff now, before she is some big name fancy shmancy artist, and then you will have some weird bragging rights. I bought all of the mini’s she has listed here and love them.

Australian Pat Grant, sent me an awesome drawing of me interviewing Satan. It made me happy. He also does some great comics too. I love how comics are so international.

Dutchman, Joost Halbertsma has been producing some really interesting work that is a little on the more experimental side. I think he has some good drawing chops and hopefully you do to.

I really enjoy Jason Overby‘s stuff and I think he is really developing a nice unique style. He has a nice piece in the Abstract Comics collection. His work comes from the Gary Panter school and wears it well.

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