My book for today was Love and Rockets Volume 3 Book 1 by Los Hernandez. I am going to get to interview Jaime on Saturday at the Emerald City Comicon, so I figured it was about time to catch up with my favorite brothers. This new annual format is really fascinating because of the way that it sets a certain expectation of production and in the same part also, limits how they develop their own stories. Jaime’s work seems to be a return to old form of his early Scifi days. His story is truly uniquely Hernandez take on superhero comics. It is a great contrast After reading the Education of Hopey Glass, which really looks at the internal workings of Hopey as a character in herself without the being dependent on Maggie. Jaime’s story in this book, is an odd way of having a fun time of exploring Penny Century dealing with a tragic loss in a way that is very reminiscent of Byrne/Claremont X-men.
Gilbert’s work on the other hand, is a mixture of different odd surreal short stories. It is pretty much a continuation of his work in Fear of Comics. I feel like Gilbert is at a point in his career, where his cartooning is so strong, you can feel the comfort he has in one of his stories. I love that in one story, it will be an silent play of a figure dancing just following his form, and then the next story, will be a heart wrenching 5 page story of pain and loss.
The two brothers are certainly masters of the form and this is a great example of them having fun with their work. I am really curious to see how this format works in coming volumes. Will they return to longer form stories, or will there be an attempt to contain the work within the one book.
I also read Jaime’s page in Kramers Ergot 7(you can se the page here). I enjoyed the story in itself, but I don’t feel like he really played with the huge page. It is nice to see a continuation of the fun stuff.