Author Archives: joshbayer

About joshbayer

Josh Bayer is a Cartoonist/Artist/illustrator living in Harlem, NY. He began publishing his comics in 1988. Since then, he has collaborated with Raymond Pettibon, been listed in Best American Comics, been rejected by The Yes Men’s Fake NY Times project, and contributed conceptual art to HBO’s Rome and New Lines Nightmare on Elm Street. He is an advisor at the Sequential Art Workshop, a contributor to Box Brown’s Retrofit imprint, and is a teacher in schools all over NY including the 92nd St Y and the Educational Alliance Art School. He is hard at work on multiple projects including Bam Bam and the Barbarians with co-writer Joaquin Delapuente and a series of auto-bio influenced memorials to dead and gone comics writers and artists. The first book was Rom available from The second in the series will be out Nov 2011 .

Johnny Ryan The Interview

JOHNNY RYAN INTERVIEW BY Josh Bayer with Joaquin delaPuente,   Johnny’s answers are reprinted verbatim, my questions have had to occasionally been pared down.  I was pretty nervous and Johnny put up with a lot of stammering. For a cartoonist … Continue reading

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