Bald Eagles


Bald Eagles returns to the inkstuds to chat about his new comic from Drippy bone book, Bitter Sweet Romance. It’s an amazing, hyper violent trip into some horrible reality.

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6 Responses to Bald Eagles

  1. Tyler Nach says:

    The interview was really interesting but the song before it was horribly annoying. I’ll never listen to another podcast by Inkstuds after that.

  2. The artist picks the music.

  3. C. Bottomley says:

    Need more Dragonforce on the pod.

  4. TylerNach says:

    I retract my statement. After listening to the podcast 42 times the music is now a part of my soul. I will now download every ink studs podcast ever written

  5. osoha says:

    I love how you didn’t edit out the burps. I’d leave them in too, because fuck him for doing that. what?

  6. Victor Cayro says:

    Fuck you too bro.

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