Boys on the Side

This past weekend, my old buddy, Brandon Graham had a signing in Seattle. We decided to make a weekend out of it and travel down for a Bro-Road trip. Within the first minutes of getting into the, Brandon was already leading a discussion into which “mythical creature would you have sex with”. Manticore’s were getting a lot of coverage. We were joined by good friend Shannon and Brandon’s Prophet Partner, Simon Roy. A lot of the future of Prophet was discussed, but all I remember is the Manticore.


We stopped in Burlington for some amazing Mexican food. Brandon and Simon both got the wet burrito. DSC_0672

I bet you haven’t seen Brandon in a hat?

We checked the boys into a hotel downtown. The hotel staff really screwed up and gave us the key to the wrong room. We went into a room on the 34th floor, which turned out to be the honeymoon suite. It took us a couple of minutes to figure out was the wrong room, when realized the the women’s underwear on the floor was probably not Joe Keatinge’s who had already checked in. When we went downstairs to get the proper key, there was a very nice looking couple going up to the 34th floor, carrying their subway sandwiches. It was awkward. Also, if it’s your honeymoon, you can do better than subway.DSC_0675

We made it down the White Horse Tavern to the fine company of Joe Keatinge and Justin Moritat Norman. Justin is currently in trouble with me.


But that’s ok, Joe got his hands on JustinDSC_0691

This is the first in a series of Jen challenging cartoonists. I think the losers have to clean the fantagraphics bathroom. DSC_0695

But really, Joe is the winner. DSC_0699

He gets to keep Brandon. DSC_0700

I think that Eric Stephenson also joined but I couldn’t get anything on the record.


I know you are all jealous of my companion that night. Sorry ladies, that boy is mine. DSC_0703

Jen Vaughn played host to all of us for a lovely bbq on her amazing rooftop. DSC_0704

It was nice to see Brandon and Josh Simmons talking about their favorite kids comics.


Later, Brandon regaled Josh and Gary Groth with stories about his favorite eros titles. DSC_0713

It was a great turnout at the fantagraphics signing with lots of friends, new and old coming to see Brandon. DSC_0715

Even the extremely talented Stefano Gaudiano popped by and we had a great chat about Breccia and Mattotti. Stefano is an extremely talented inker who has an amazing perceptive on his own work and the work that he interacts with. I really need to interview him. DSC_0716

Seattle buddies Corey Lewis, Mare Odomo and Jacob Ferguson popped by the signing and sat in the middle of room drawing in their sketchbooks. Comics wait for no man. DSC_0720

Here’s my wonderful host, Jen, with Marc Palm and John Kantz. DSC_0722

and Brandon’s delightful sister was there to make sure all my photos were perfect. DSC_0723

Oh Corey!DSC_0727

Stefano and Mike Baehr. It was good to see Mike. I really like him.


Brandon really loved the fanart he got. DSC_0737

More Fantagraphics representing with Jacq Cohen. For a publisher that had nothing to do with Walrus, they were really supportive with the event, hosting at their store and being generally great folks. Jason T Miles was there as well, and he is a guy I can talk comics with for hours on end. DSC_0744

Jen, leave Simon alone! Also, Simon, sweet Anders Nilsen t-shirt!

We all went to a diner around the corner with 22 fellow nerd piled in. I was amazed by the great service. I also got to sit and chat with Matthew Southworth and his charming lady. very nice people. DSC_0753

Anna Pederson was there with her sweet King City tattoo. She’s pretty great. I got to hang out with her in New York last year at the Brooklyn Comics event. DSC_0758

Jen’s cat, Doctor Butler is now my friend. He snuck under the blanket to hangout.


Who put’s a cherry in a cola as garnish?????DSC_0768

Jen and her swell fellow, Ryan this morning over breakfast. We ate good. This restaurant had a drink called a beer-mosa. It was Pabst with some orange juice. It sounded terrible. DSC_0769

Sorry for the veggie and vegan readers. but damn I was hungry. DSC_0773

We eventually met up with Joe, Simon, Shannon and Eric. They seem to really be enjoying their Dicks burgers. I got milkshake on Eric when throwing it out. Sorry Eric. He still wouldnt give me any comments for me to report. DSC_0780

I made the mistake of letting Justin use the camera. DSC_0787

And here is why you read Prophet. It’s all for the cheese. DSC_0793

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3 Responses to Boys on the Side

  1. Anna P says:

    Damnnnn look at the gut on me, haha

  2. Mike Baehr says:

    Aw, shucks. Good to see you too, Robin!

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