Brandon Graham, Frank Santoro and Michael Deforge

I feel like Brandon Graham and Frank Santoro are guys that I need to be doing annual check-ins with, and luckily this year, Michael Deforge was around to join us. We chatted with a specific subject in mind, the idea of fusion in modern comics. Frank can put it better than I, so take a listen and enjoy.

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14 Responses to Brandon Graham, Frank Santoro and Michael Deforge

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Inkstuds » Blog Archive » Brandon Graham, Frank Santoro and Michael Deforge --

  2. Love the show and try to be super-sensitive about not making suggestion, as you clearly know what you’re doing, but I feel like this may need to be revisited or some kinda series? Maybe? Please. Santoro, you, Graham, and one other new fusionist each time. It’s such a good topic and Graham and Santoro can talk comics for days…great stuff!

  3. darrylayo says:

    Good job, gentlemen.

    This episode describes my life exactly. All comics, universal. Marvel Comics Presents: Fort Thunder. Literary art comics printed from right to left with speed lines. It’s all part of The One.


  4. Mr.Esty says:

    Great episode, guys!
    Well done. I really enjoyed listening to this while drawing.
    I love that comics are enjoying this resurgence, all the new blood & new influences are really stimulating, and I’m glad somebody is getting these discussions on tape.

  5. Pingback: Inkstuds Fusion Talk – Meathaus Enterprises: Comics + Cartooning + Art + Inspiration

  6. Pingback: Inkstuds » Blog Archive » Frank Santoro Interview from 2007

  7. Pingback: » Archive » Raise the Flag

  8. Pingback: Encyclopedia Czapiewski » Blog Archive » Bringing it back forward

  9. I never heard of your stupid show before! I heard Sim had a computer but it broke down and I wish he wasn’t crazy too. Steve Bissette is super active online tho, and that is super awesome.

  10. Pingback: Running with Giants – Geof Darrow Interview in Full Text | Inkstuds

  11. pro multiforce says:

    this girl much prefers brinkman to santoro

  12. Pingback: 06/22/2016 – Comics Workbook

  13. D.W. Lynch says:

    I would love for everyone involved to sit down and revisit this topic. It’s a great conversation that keeps evolving.

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