Craig Thompson

Craig Thompson and I sat down for an extended conversation about his new book Habibi, as well as a larger discussion of comics in general. We also touch on his previous works including Blankets, Good-bye Chunky Rice and Carnet De Voyage

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9 Responses to Craig Thompson

  1. This was a long, but very interesting interview. I hope to have the opportunity to read Habibi, it looks great!

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  3. Werner says:

    I’m a huge fan of Craig Thompsons work. Great episode. Thanks for that.

  4. I feel sorry for any Middle-eastern/Muslim-cartoonist on the verge of finishing their epic Islamic GN and is unaware of Habibi:”I finally finished my romantic epic that spans the muslim world!!!” *sees Habibi in comics shop* “NOOOOO! Eddie campbell, why did you not break Craig Thompson’s fingers?!”

  5. Tim Clary says:

    Outstanding Interview!

    I met Craig briefly at SPX when Blankets was released and he drew one of the most amazing sketches I’ve ever received…without any pencil underdrawing at all! I was astonished. (You can check it out here:

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  9. Sid Clark says:

    Excellent interview. Very pleasant and thoughtful young man. Didn’t mind the 2-hour duration in the least.

    I’m not that tempted to read his comics. He still has way too much faith in the “invisible world” in one way or another. When he renounces that and become totally carnal, then I’ll… well, I’ll probably be municipal trash by that time.

    All this talk of hidden signification reminded me of Crumb’s famous dictum: “Herb Housetop says: ‘There is no God'” from Crumb’s “It’s Really Too Bad” strip. That was one of the most affecting strips I read as a young man. There’s a lot of truth in it. I think it’s the best thing Crumb did. It’s flawed, too, but he was right to tackle big issues in comic form.

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