Dan Nadel 2010

Picture Box bigwig Dan Nadel returns for a full length chat about his latest book, Art In Time, Comics Comics, Jack Kirby and some of the future Picture Box releases. I always enjoy talking to Dan and this was no exception. This interview has a rare time were I freak out over something Dan mentions. Gondry et Doucet!

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4 Responses to Dan Nadel 2010

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Inkstuds » Blog Archive » Dan Nadel 2010 -- Topsy.com

  2. Pat Grant says:

    Hey Boss,

    These latest podcasts aren’t coming down the i-tunes tube. I don’t know what’s happening but it’s saying something about an invalid URL. Gosh! I’m getting withdrawal symptoms!


  3. Matt D. says:

    I second the iTunes comment. I like to listen to the interviews when I commute to work.

    • inkstuds says:

      Hey Guys, i am working with my host right now on it. I can’t access the site from my house, thats how screwed up the site seems to be.

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