David Lloyd

David Lloyd is making a quick trip to the west coast of Canada and that brought a great opportunity for me to have a chat with co-creator of one of the most formative influences on me as a comic reader. V for Vendetta is one of the those books that has a timeless quality that asks the tough questions that need asking. As a creator, David has been following through with a unique uncompromised vision, maintaining a minimal but strong output. His latest book, Kickback fell under the radar, but is well worth checking out, to see where his work has developed in time and what stories are important for him to tell.

David will be in Victoria on Saturday the 29th at the most excellent Legends Comics and in Vancouver on the 30th at the Vancouver Comicon at Main and 15th.

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5 Responses to David Lloyd

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Inkstuds » Blog Archive » David Lloyd -- Topsy.com

  2. ramon says:

    does it really end abruptly?

  3. LOOKA says:

    Yes, check, David Loyd. The list of greats goes on. This is so cool to come back to and check in on fave interviews you did. Can’t wait to add this to the list this evening when I sit down with it.

  4. Sid Clark says:

    That Guy Fawkes mask really captures the smugness of our age. You gotta hand it to him.

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