Geof Darrow

Geof Darrow is coming to Seattle for the Emerald City Comicon next month, March 4-6, and thanks to the kind folks there, i was able ti gave a great chat with Geof.  I have been reading his work for years. I remember how my mind was blown when first seeing Hard Boiled. Shaolin Cowboy and Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot are both fantastic reads as well. You can just spend hours focusing on all the details of a single page. The work of Darrow is also an antecedent to crop of fusion comics that Frank Santoro and I like chatting about; mixing comics history with European and Japanese influences sparkling through.


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10 Responses to Geof Darrow

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Geof Darrow | Inkstuds --

  2. Marcel says:

    Incredible interview! You always do these things so damn well.

  3. Matt D. says:

    I really enjoyed this one, too. Lotsa neat behind-the-scenes historical tidbits.

  4. Filthyrich says:

    Great interview! It was so good to hear him talk about city of fire and that they’ve actually discussed doing another. I could listen to these old school guys tell stories for hours on end.

    Can you send me a link to the song at the end of the episode?


    ps tell Brandon I said hi.

  5. Pingback: Bourbon Thret: A Glance | It's Like When A Cowboy Becomes A Butterfly

  6. Pingback: Bourbon Thret | Observations

  7. Pingback: Master Class: Geof Darrow | Cheshire Cat Blog

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