Inkstuds Book – The Cover

Well folks, I have been sitting on this for a little while and waiting to show you. My publisher at Conundrum posted this image on his blog, so here it – the wonderful cover to the Inkstuds book by the very amazing Britt Wilson. I have mentioned Britt before, she is really an amazing talent that will blow up soon. Her friends like to tease her that she is the next big thing, and I agree, that is why I am really happy that she agreed to do that cover and blew my mind in the process.

We will have a proper press release soon, hopefully before TCAF about the content of the book. It is a really amazing list of interviews. Some of my favorite folks in comics are in it.

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15 Responses to Inkstuds Book – The Cover

  1. Pingback: Britt Wilson’s secrets « Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog

  2. Matt D. says:

    Robin, you should interview yourself about the book, etc. (or have Colin or someone do it)! Seriously, it’d be an interesting piece.

  3. Adrian Hill says:

    I agree with Matt.

    What a great cover! I’m looking forward to this one!

  4. inkstuds says:

    Thanks guys, but i will never interview myself. That is a level of madness that I can’t return from.

    Hopefully folks will want to talk to me about the book when it actually comes out.

  5. m fleener says:

    I’ll interview you!

  6. LOOKA says:

    Hey! Now that’s cool!



  8. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  9. this is exciting. is it a hardcover or softcover? give us the dirty deets – the production deets.

  10. if disney isn’t full of fucktards, they should think about hiring her.

  11. inkstuds says:

    Hey Ed, its gonna be softcover, we are trying to keep costs down as much as possible. more info to be released at TCAF.

    And yes Britt is pretty awesome. I hope better for her than Disney.

  12. Pingback: Britt Wilson’s secrets « Drawr

  13. this is great! please make sure to ship it worldwide! looking forward to holding it in my hands, good luck! keep up the good work.

  14. carrie says:

    The cover looks great. Keep us posted on the release, etc.

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