Inkstuds Mixtape Vol 666 Tom Neely


Tom Neely‘s contribution to the Cartoonist Mixtape Project, is probably the most thoroughly thought out yet. Tom has provided art work for people to print off for and use as the cover for a mixtape. Follow his careful instructions at the end of the posting here. Here is a high quality PDF of the cover art, which should be printed on legal sized paper. Please make note, that there are 2 separate audio files, Side A and Side B.

Side A:
1. intro – pussy galore
2. fucking viva – trap them
3. faction of dystopia – word salad
4. ground zero – ground zero
5. lesser animal – pig destroyer
6. like weeds – his hero is gone
7. why you gotta be like that? seriously. – hinges
8. castrating till the break of dawn – transient
9. reanimator – naked city (john zorn)
10. white trash headache- circle of dead children
11. hellspawn the rebirth – morbid angel
12. electrodes dictating – cripple bastards
13. burnt to death – chainsaw to the face
14. free at last – today is the day
15. where eagles dare – pajo

Side B:
1. little demon – screamin’ jay hawkins
2. this close – 7000 dying rats
3. nazarene decomposing – havohej
4. empty – corrupted
5. dagdad – ruins
6. rated X – miles davis
7. polygraph – cursed
8. edifice comples – swallowed up.
9. ghosts – severed head of state
10. la traición – brujeria
11. reevaluate life! – exit 13
12. pistol whipped – karp
13. the only cure, the only remedy – ludicra
14. dark – low
15. outro – corpus christii

Instructions for listening to this Mix-tape:

1. Get a 90 minute blank cassette tape.
2. Download “Corpsegrinder” from
3. Plug a computer into your walkman.
4. Record “Corpsegrinder! side A” onto side A of your cassette.
5. Flip the tape and rewind to the beginning of side B.
6. Record “Corpsegrinder! side B” onto side B of your cassette.
7. Unplug the computer from your walkman.
8. Flip the tape and rewind to the beginning of side A.
9. Print out cover.
10. Trim and fold cover to fit into cassette case.
11. Put on your headphones.
12. Press Play.
13. Sit in your room and draw pictures of skulls and devils while
banging your head.

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14 Responses to Inkstuds Mixtape Vol 666 Tom Neely

  1. Rob Goodin says:

    Would my pastor approve?

  2. tomN! says:

    that last track on side B, outro by corpus christii, always makes my dog really upset.

  3. tomN! says:

    history has shown that the best way to get people to leave yr party is to ask me to DJ.

  4. tomN! says:

    we could have a noisey dj duel. i’ll bring my merzbow records. that would really clear out a party.

    • inkstuds says:

      I got Merzbow. Bring it on Neely, bring it on. People thought it was cool to go see Paul Pope dj, we will beat that shit out of the park.

  5. tomN! says:

    part of me is starting to want this to happen.

  6. Marek says:

    YEAH!!!! great tape, maaaan.

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