Inkstuds on the Road – Part 12 Rob Liefeld


Our LA journey brought us to the home of one of the most Memorable characters in comics. There’s not much for me to say about Rob Liefeld that you probably don’t already know. He was an artist at Marvel for his early career, creating characters such as Cable and Deadpool and the poly-bagged X-Force #1. Left Marvel to cofound Image Comics. Created Youngblood and a whole bunch more there, including Prophet(which Brandon and roadtrip buddy, Simon Roy, are both current creators on).

Rob was a very welcoming host, chatting with us for several hours about the highs and lows of comics. It was probably the most energetic part of the LA roadtrip, thanks to Rob’s infectious loves of pictures and words on paper.


This episode is brought to you by the fine folks at LifeSpan Society.


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6 Responses to Inkstuds on the Road – Part 12 Rob Liefeld

  1. Gianmaria says:

    Wow… Rob Liefeld didn’t look like Inkstuds material to me, but the interview (I’m only half way through it) is very very interesting, funny and indeed energetic.
    It sounds like Liefeld’s brain works pretty much like one of his pages.

  2. Vickcorps says:

    I was around 10 years old when the Image boom happened. I loved Rob Liefeild more than anything. My views about his work radically changed as I got older and I jumped on the hate bandwagon. I found this interview to be fantastic and really helped change my opinion about the man. In a lot of way he is like his hero Kirby, he helped change the perception of comics and contributed a style that is still felt today. Love or hate his artwork he changed the landscape indefinitely and deserves respect.

  3. Chris says:

    Rob Liefeld has enough enthusiasm for the entire comics industry. That dude is so pumped all of the time. Refreshing.

  4. Michael says:

    No matter what anyone says, there are legions of fans who love Rob Liefeld’s artwork and his enthusiasm for comics. I have always said that Liefeld would be great as an EIC of a company, because he loves such a diverse bunch of books and he really knows when a book is good and what it needs to fix it. I also think his stories are highly underrated. I think his concepts and stories are always better than when someone tries to write for him. Though I would love to see a Brandon Graham/Liefeld comic. Maybe both on story and art together.

  5. Smars says:

    I love robs energy.
    he and akira toriyama were the first artists I tried to imitate artistically.
    that’s toriyama doing dragon warrior (quest) and new mutants moving into xforce liefeld. I love how robs work made me excited for comics, seeing other artists injecting that kind of energy into their work made me want to never stop making comics. man I love his energy, I hope he never stops being excited about comics and just art in general.

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