Inkstuds on the Road – Part 6 Jesse Moynihan

Forming2-cover-01Jesse Moynihan was our first guest on a day of interviewing folks in the back of a restaurant in Burbank California. Jesse’s book Forming, the second volume of which just came out from NoBrow books. His work explores a lot of really interesting ideas, utilizing a plethora of literary traditions both classical and contemporary. And it also has some great spaced out conceptual madness.

Jesse is also a story boarder on hit series Adventure Time. Brandon and Jesse were working together on an episode at the time and this was also their first time meeting in person.


This episode was sponsored by House of ORR, Roll20, and Colonial Souls.



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4 Responses to Inkstuds on the Road – Part 6 Jesse Moynihan

  1. Lewisrice says:

    Whats the song that plays at the end of this one?

  2. Jesse Moynihan says:

    It’s “A Una Cellula” from Franco Battiato’s album “Fetus”

  3. Mutant Comix says:

    You guys should publish the music credits for each episode. You always play cool stuff.

  4. Daniel Heard says:

    The opening track is “Juarès” by Space Jam, bee tee dubs.

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