Inkstuds Video Interview with Brandon Graham

Over the last 6 years of doing the Inkstuds radioshow, I have had the opportunity to interview some amazing creators. At this point, to hazard a guess, I have interviewed nearly 400 different cartoonists. It has been a blast.

Last fall, the show took a step in a whole different direction, with Conundrum Books publishing the first book collection of interviews conducted on the show.

Now it’s time for a new component to the Inkstuds. I was approached by my friend Daniel this past summer asking if I had ever thought of doing video interviews, which is something that I had thought about, but just don’t have the technical know how to follow through. Well, that’s where Daniel’s skill come in handy.

Our first interview was with Brandon Graham. Since he was my neighbor at the time, it seemed like an obvious good choice of someone to test it out on.

This is very much a collaborative project between me and Daniel Giantomaso. He brings some great talents to the table in regards to really putting it together nicely. I could not do this without him.

I will still be doing the regular audio interviews, but the video format allows me to get in-depth in a different way. I have some great interviews scheduled with some fantastic cartoonists in the Pacific Northwest.

I will be posting video’s on here and on the Inkstuds Youtube channel.

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21 Responses to Inkstuds Video Interview with Brandon Graham

  1. YES! I really like this!

  2. buster says:

    cool interview, dude. nice flylo track too, casio play.

  3. matt says:

    Loved it! More please

  4. Kingofsiam says:

    In agreement. Can’t wait to see more!

  5. The watermark has been set

  6. d_neufeld says:

    This was great! You should make this a regular thing if possible. Who’s next?

  7. Love watching Brandon draw. Good to thing to hook us up with, Mr Inkstuds!

  8. Love watching Brandon draw. Good thing to hook us up with, Mr Inkstuds!

  9. loren says:


    Can’t wait to see more! really!

  10. Antek says:

    That is fantastic!
    I love the radio interviews so much, they are informative in a whole other way and I hope that you will continue to do them alongside the videos.
    It would be a lot like having ones cake and eating it to… which I guess is to much to hope for 🙂
    Thumbs and big toes up!

  11. Andy Pants says:

    Brandon puts his pants on just like the rest of us — one leg at a time. Except, once his pants are on, he make golden comics.

    PS – my girlfriend thinks you’re cute and your work looks like Moebius. Why are you trying to steal my gf?

  12. Loving this, is 5-6 min going to be the standard run time or are you shooting for something longer and also the live drawing is a great idea for each episode.

  13. Pingback: Sequential | Canadian Comics News & Culture

  14. Matt says:

    Dude, love this. Really well put together. Feels like tea and blankets in interview form.

  15. Pingback: Gaze in wonder at Brandon Graham’s Habibi fanart | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment

  16. Joseph says:

    Awesome vid dudes, thanks for doing a interview with one of my comic artist idols

  17. Spleenal says:

    Love Brandon’s art. I have for a while.
    Didn’t know he didn’t use pencils!?!

    I dread to think what I’d end up with if I didn’t start with pencils.
    The finished thing’s usually bad enough! 🙂

  18. Carrie says:

    This is exciting news. Although I don’t always want to know what my favorite creators look like. Maybe you can employ COPS-style blurry face on the upcoming episodes? I think that would be an excellent use of your time.

  19. Paul Peart-Smith says:

    Super, super cool. Wished it was longer.

  20. Pingback: Anders Nilsen Video Interview | Inkstuds

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