Jillian Tamaki

Jillian Tamaki has been getting some much deserved praise for collaboration with her cousin, Mariko Tamaki, on the great book Skim. Don’t stop there though. I spent hours going through all the great work on her sketchblog as well as the wonderful Gilded Lillies from the good folks at Conundrum.

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7 Responses to Jillian Tamaki

  1. Looka says:

    Awright! The thing I have been waiting for! So jazzzzzzzed to hear it!

  2. Looka says:

    Now that’s cool!
    I really enjoyed it, the Doug Wright bit was total fun. I also liked that you left the radio commercial bits in it. have you read her Mini-Comic? I still have to.

    Loking forward to the Kitchen interview up next.

    Where is Carrie???

  3. Looka says:

    “Loking” – did I really say “Loking” …oh man!

    I think she’s cool with that kind of talk!

  4. Pingback: Journalista - the news weblog of The Comics Journal » Blog Archive » July 31, 2009: Gone a bit yellow

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