

Final Incal artist, Ladrönn, joined me and guest co-host, Joe Keatinge for a chat about his work in comics. Ladrönn’s run on the marvel series, Cable along with writer Joe Casey, is a cult favorite among me and many friends. It brings in a unique Kirby styling, working against the flavor of the week of most mainstream comics works. You can also find his work in the first 3 issues of the very BD influenced Inhumans mini series from 2000.

On top of finishing the Jodorowsky’s Incal series, Ladrönn is currently working on conceptual work with Jodorowsky for the Son of El Topo.

This episode is brought to you by the fine folks at Robots From Tomorrow.

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4 Responses to Ladrönn

  1. Great interview! Loved hearing from Ladronn. On a side note though – what was the music in this episode? I’d love to look that up. Thanks!

  2. Imran Husain says:

    Thanks for this great interview! Ladrönn is a phenomenal artist who doesn’t seem to get much press, so it was really nice to hear this extensive conversation with him.

  3. matthew says:

    great episode!

    i was wholly unfamiliar with ladronn’s work, but have since listening picked up a few ‘cable’ issues. great stuff.

    the sound seemed much improved with this interview, as well…

    thank you!

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