Listener Request 2011 Edition

Every year, I ask folks to tell me who they think I should be interviewing. 2010 was a pretty awesome year for me, with the publication of my first book, graduating from University and getting tour through some amazing locale’s and meeting some wonderful folks.

I want to try and make this year, the best year for Inkstuds programming. After 2 weeks of great best of lists by some great contributors, it’s time to get back to work.

Who should I be interviewing? Last time I requested a list, there was a good amount of cartoonists that I thought would never do an interview, that have since been on the show. So you never know who will be on.

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72 Responses to Listener Request 2011 Edition

  1. Mike Myhre says:

    Craig Thompson, Joann Sfar, Christophe Blain, Scott C, Michel Rabagliati, Jordi Bernet, Dan Clowes, Paul Grist, Sam Hiti, Jim Campbell to name a few I’d like to hear.

  2. Mike Myhre says:

    Oh, and Steve Wolfhard, of course. Given Koyama is publishing his Cat Rackham comics.

  3. Cam Chesney says:

    I hope you can track down Chris Ware. I’ve listened to a ton of interviews with him and it’s always good. Monica Galagher, Alec Longstreth, Sophie Crumb, definitely Craig Thompson. Maybe an update on James Kochalka’s new kids books…

  4. Allan Lorde says:

    How about Adam Warren, since we know you love his work so much? 😀
    In all seriousness, Felipe Smith and Travis Millard are the first to come to mind. Hey, how about Mike Holmes? he’s terrific.

  5. Sean says:

    Craig Thompson, Paul Pope, Jimmy Beaulieu, Joann Sfar, Dave McKean, Kaz Strzepek, Emily Carroll, Lucy Knisley, Hope Larson…

  6. Andrew White says:

    Though I would imagine the logistics are more difficult, I think some of your best shows are the ones where you have multiple guests on to discuss a certain topic (e.g. Santoro, Graham and Deforge on fusion comics, Butcher and Harbin on retailing, etc.). Anything along those lines would be great, but here are a few specific suggestions:

    Sammy Harkham, Noah Van Sciver and Chester Brown (or anyone else of the ‘old guard’ who no longer does pamphlets) on the alternative comic book

    Bart Beaty and Kim Thompson on European comics — some history, important works and cartoonists, etc.

    Joe Sacco, Sarah Glidden and Guy Delisle (think he speaks good enough English…) on journalism through autobiographical comics

  7. Lucius says:

    Chris Ware, Jim Woodring, Charles Burns, Kaz, Chester Brown, Ben Katchor, Lewis Trondheim, Jason, Julie Doucet, Mat Brinkman. You can do it!

    And last but not least, Thien Pham.

  8. My favorite Inkstuds interview was when you were talking with Chris Ware and Jeet Heer about D&Q’s Walt and Skeezix. I love listening to the history of old comics. It would be awesome if you could get someone like Dean Mullaney on to talk about IDW’s Library of American Comics Series.

  9. Oh, I’d also love to hear Jeet Heer back on, or someone else to talk about Roy Crane and Fantagraphics’ Captain Easy books. Hot Dog! Would I love that!

  10. Danny Mac says:

    How about Matt Wiegle? Also another Ed Piskor interview now that Wizzywigs is wrapping up would be an awesome bookend to your first interview with him.

  11. saman says:

    Blaise Larmee or Jason Overby!

    • Shasta, White or Grape says:

      Yeah, Blaise Larmee fer sure. JO too. Cough Syrup if you can catch him. Dude is real.
      Saman know whats up.

  12. Kelly says:

    Lynda Barry, Chris Ware, Barron Storey, Joe Sacco…
    Lynda Barry! Lynda Barry! Lynda Barry!!

  13. kevinczap says:

    Mickey Z, Aidan Koch or Blaise Larmee

  14. James Bangle says:

    Chris Ware, Thuraya Lynn, Lady Orlando and Thien Pham!

  15. Biggest for me would probably be Craig Thompson or Jason. That would be grand!

  16. Any or all of the Pizza Island artists.
    Katie Skelly, Jesse Jacobs, Lizz Hickey, Melissa Mendes, Chuck Forsman, Joe Lambert, Jesse Moynihan, Jon Vermilyea, Hellen Jo, Marc Bell, Patrick Kyle, Johnny Ryan, Gabrielle Bell, Edie Fake.
    I second Steve Wolfhard.

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  18. laila says:

    Lisa Hanawalt
    John Martz
    Hellen Jo
    John Porcellino

  19. Flynn says:

    Scott C, Tom McHenry, Steve Wolfhard.

  20. alison says:

    some people who make comics in the UK:
    John Allison, Oliver East, Warwick Johnson Cadwell, Jock, Jamie McKelvie, Henry Flint, publishers Self-Made Hero and Blank Slate (Kenny Penman), Ian Culbard and Rob Davis (who write and illustrate), Emma Vieceli, Matt Brooker, Frank Quitely, Garen Ewing, Sean Philips, Duncan Fegredo, Simon Gane … and can suggest more too… and also and especially Mike McMahon (please please).
    and some more I’d like to hear:
    Philip Bond, Barron Storey, Guy Davis, Gabrielle Bell, David Aja…

  21. Dave says:

    Stephen DeStefano.

  22. Lisa says:

    Julia Gfrörer, Lizz Hickey, Domitille Collardey, Alec Longstreth, Emily Flake, Mickey Z, Edie Fake, please!!

  23. carrie says:

    Hi Robin,

    I’d love to hear from Annie Murphy, Alex Cahill, Eleanor Davis, Esther Pearl Watson, Shannon Gerard, Justin Madson…

    Thanks for asking!

  24. Box Brown says:

    I’d also like to hear from the UK contingent. Kenny Penman who runs Blank Slate or the guys who do NoBrow.

    Yoshihiro Tatsumi, James Sturm, Tim Hensley, Tom Hart, Pizza Island, Ed Piskor…

  25. Emily Carroll, Sam Hiti, Lynda Barry, Marian Churchland, Philip Bond, Joann Sfar, Johnny Ryan, Mike Holmes, JESS FINK,

  26. Box Brown says:

    Just interview everyone in my twitter friends list.

  27. Luke says:

    Craig Thompson, Scott C, John Martz, Anne Koyama, Lilli Carré, Jess Fink, Rina Piccolo, Anthony Clark, Jason, Lynda Barry

    And yeah, some more UK folks such as those mentioned above would be really, really great. Darryl Cunningham, Philippa Rice, Tom Humberstone.

  28. Ian says:

    I think it’d be great to hear an interview with Anne Koyama herself. Chris Eliopoulos would also be cool to hear on the show.

  29. Jackie says:

    Joseph Lambert, Laura Park, Emily Carroll hmm, of course Craig Thompson, Clowes, Gabrielle Bell or even Julie Doucet (does she do interviews, ’cause that would be rad).

  30. Erin Cashier says:

    Barry Deutsch — his Hereville just became the first graphic novel ever to win the Sydney Taylor Book Award.

  31. I’d love to hear an interview with Joe Sacco, Joann Sfar, Lewis Trondheim, or Rutu Modan. I hear Mazzucchelli is pretty hard to get a hold of but that would be amazing.

    I’m biased because he’s my friend, but I think Tim Hamilton (who did the official adaptation of Fahrenheit 451) is the most versatile and underrated artist in comics, and he did what I considered the most interesting comics interview I’d seen in Graphic NYC.

  32. Andi says:

    i would like to hear from:
    -jim mahfood/ -brian wood/ -becky cloonan/ -ryan kelly/ – scott chantler

    thanks for your fine show!

  33. Patrick Keck says:

    Here’s a few more!
    John Hankiewicz, Steven Bissette, Richard Sala, Tim Goodyear, Hans Rickheit, Jon Lewis, Tom Kaczynski, and Mr. DAN ZETTWOCH.

    I crush on you inkstuds.

  34. Chris says:

    the romantic Mr. Sheldon Vella!

  35. jakub says:

    Sheldon Vella Sheldon Vella
    and Jim Davis

  36. ryan says:

    repeating a lot of what you have above, would love to see shows featuring:

    + Edie Fakes
    + group interview with the inspiring ladies of Pizza Island
    + Hellen Jo
    + Kazimir Strzepek
    + Another manga-focused panel with publishers/editors/translators/bloggers
    + DONJON SPECIAL: interview with sfar/kiloffer/other artists, plus Terry Nantier (NBM publisher) just focusing on this series (my all time favorite, possibly?)
    + Panel talking about the illustration/spot/strip market, wrt Vice, Nick Magazine, NY times weekend, other places that buttress the ecosystem of indie cartoonist. Could feature Johnny Ryan, Beaton, Derek Ballard, other folks that support their personal work with paid gigs for print/web publications
    + Panel talking about the convergence (or not) of animation and indie comics, could feature Dash Shaw (he could talk about both his feature, and his interest in animatics/OAV anime, etc), and Calvin Wong (storyboarding and collaborating with a network) & Vermilyea/DeForge (adult swim ppl doing designs and injecting crazy ideas into semi-mainstream stuff)
    + Panel diving into indie comics in Europe. Could include a group interview with Christian Maiwald at Reproduct, great Latvian comics editor/publisher (kus!) David, other European boutique publishers

  37. More Graham Santoro roundtables.

  38. joe martin says:

    that guy greg farrell who does those awesome minicomics with the chef and the squirrel. He’ll have a graphic novel out in 2011, too.

  39. Crodwell says:

    Laura Park would be sweet
    Another interview with Brian Ralph

  40. Tom Galambos says:

    Warren Craghead, Dan Zettwoch
    I also was a big fan of the Ware/Heer Walt & Skeezix episode. More episodes regarding the current wealth of classic reprints.

  41. Richard says:

    lawrence hubbard who does real deal

  42. Jason Overby, Leon Sadler, Brecht Vandenbroucke, Massimiliano Bomba, Derek Ballard, Lala Albert, Dane Martin, Ray Sohn, Pete Toms, Jesse Balmer, Caroline Sury, Pakito Bolino, Henriette Valium, Nate Doyle, Noel Freibert, Conor Stechschulte, Other CCC people, Kaz Strzepek, Mickey Z, Wowee Zonk, Edie Fake.

  43. more manga talks too, i don’t know anything about super heros nor do i have the ability to get interested in it unfortunately (not that it isn’t good people talk about it!)

  44. Kosuke Takahashi says:

    Stan Sakai. A rather unnoticed guy and I would definitely think it would be an interesting interview.

    • Paul says:

      Oh, god, yes. Usagi is still my favourite ongoing, all these years later. Stan is unbelievably brilliant, and far too often overlooked. I was thinking of mentioning Sturm, Lutes, Craig Thompson and a few others, but fuck it, no, Inkstuds needs Stan Sakai in 2011! Bring it on!

  45. Michael DeForge says:

    a Joe Quesada/Bill Watterson “fusion comics’ roundtable

  46. J.T. Dockery says:

    Everybody else has pretty much covered everyone on my list. The only person otherwise, unless I overlooked him being mentioned, would be Theo Ellsworth. Keep up the good work, Robin, as a lot of people I would think need to be interviewed you’ve ALREADY interviewed. I also second the notion of more specific themed tag team type discussions amongst artists. Oh wait, I just thought of somebody else: Geoff Grogan…an amazing and versatile artist who doesn’t get the props he deserves!

  47. Oliver East says:

    Paul Gravett cos he knows more about comics than anyone and would be a good gateway for you for more euro stuff.

    Warren Craghead cos his Comix Claptrap (i think) was lovely

    Blaise Larmee and Aidan Koch cos i think they’re the same person

    Kenny Penman of Blank Slate Books cos Paul Gravett said they’re the Brit Top Shelf and that’s got to count for something.

    Brian Chippendale but only if he sings all his answers.

    ollie out

  48. Jeff says:

    White Shasta/Cough Syrup or Blaise Larmme cos i think they’re the same person

  49. Noel Friebert, Kyle Baker, Grant Morrison, Matt Groening, Felipe Smith, Richard Corben

  50. Ian says:

    Corey Lewis would be cool to hear from too especially since Seedless book 2 is coming out soon

  51. gms says:

    I think it’d be interesting to get Seth, Chester Brown, and Joe Matt all on at once.

  52. HN says:

    hello Robin

    Long time listener, first time commenter. Good show. I really liked the David Collier interview.

    Christophe Blain
    Daniel Torres (what is he up to?)

    but if you’re a serious (and have all this free time after graduating-congratulations by the way) comics journalist, isn’t it time for…

    Bilal, Tardi, or


    Yes, Moebius.

    And a topic could be: Kurtzman and Goscinny; e.g. ‘G worked with K, you worked G: discuss.’

    Who knows, maybe on location in Jean Giraud’s atelier?


  53. Tom Claydon says:

    I’d like to hear from the UK people too – maybe a Blank Slate programme, with Kenny Penman, Oliver East, Joe Decie etc

    Love to hear you talk to Emily Carroll, Jason, Blaise Larmee and the rest of the Co-Mix crew, Gilbert Hernandez, Douglas Noble, Carol Swain, Anders Nilsen, Teddy Kristiansen or Sean Phillips.

  54. Jason says:

    gerald jablonski, eve gilbert, john hankiewicz, phoebe gloeckner, jim blanchard, anya davidson, dylan williams, sharon rudahl, tim root

  55. Chris says:

    Pat Grant?

  56. Dylan says:

    Jesse Moynihan, Gipi, Charles Burns, Jim Woodring, Paul Pope, Guy Davis, Jason, Jamie Hewlett and Mike Mignola

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