Nathan Fox

Nathan Fox has some great new work out and is pumping out some the nastiest goodness that I have seen in a while. Check out his Pigeons From Hell series from Dark Horse or his Fluorescent Black work in Heavy Metal. His work has great visceral quality that most cartoonists can only attempt, while Nathan rocks it.

Check this out too, someone just brought it to my attention – Nathan doing an ending to Terror of Tiny Town from the TCM site.

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0 Responses to Nathan Fox

  1. Brandon Graham says:

    kids comics.
    Nice interview, I liked hearing mr Fox talk about his love of ink and printmaking.

  2. Pingback: Journalista - the news weblog of The Comics Journal » Blog Archive » March 13, 2009: Obama sex comics

  3. I had a great time interviewing Nathan last summer for our “Masters of Ink” series.
    Many thanks for putting this up.

  4. Roho says:

    Hey, This episode was great, I don’t know if you mention it on the podcast but what is the name and singer/band of the first song? it goes perfectly with the Pigeons from Hell comic.


  5. Roho says:

    Actually I was posting about the Chris Wright episode, I listen to both one after another and amused that Lucinda was from the Nathan Fox episode. Thanks anyways.

  6. admin says:

    I played them together on the radio, so that maybe why they work so well together.

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