Paul Karasik

Paul Karasik joined me for an indepth conversation about his work. Paul’s most recent work, has been editing the Fletcher Hanks collections. In collaboration with his sister, Judy Karasik, produced The Ride Together, which you can find on amazon for ridiculously cheap.

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6 Responses to Paul Karasik

  1. Pingback: Journalista - the news weblog of The Comics Journal » Blog Archive » Sept. 4, 2009: A better chance

  2. I haven’t read either book yet, but I must say that is the most Badass cover to any book I’ve seen in a while.

  3. Paul Karasik says:

    Pardon the plug, but:

    I even put out a mini-Fletcher Hanks coloring book. Presently the only way to get the coloring book (with a swell cover by Charles Burns) is to either order “You Shall Die By Your Own Evil Creation!” via Fantagraphics (the value of the coloring book to you may be worth the difference of ordering through Amazon plus you support Fantagraphics):

    Or get a copy by showing up at one of my signings.

    At these signing I will be presenting “The Fletcher Hanks Experience” narrated by Fletcher Hanks, Jr.

    September 16, 7:00 The Strand Bookstore, NYC, NY
    September 27 SPX, Small Press Expo, Bethesda, MD
    October 18 7:00: Politics and Prose Bookstore, Washington, DC

    BTW: The book got a nice review over at Publisher’s Weekly:

    “I must have this book for my library.” -R. Crumb

  4. This was a damn fine interview.

    Also enjoying the Gilbert Hernandez mixtape!

    Thanks for all your work.


  5. Pingback: THE BEAT » Blog Archive » Weekend reading round-up

  6. Whoop, Paul Karasik! G-R-E-A-T …Sorry Robin, I turn idiot when I read Comics, they really kill me. It even works with podcasts.

    Good to be back at the INKSTUDS!

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