Response to Listener Request

So back in October, I solicited for requests from you, my wonderful listeners. I thought I should let you know the progress on those. Below is a list of who has been requested.

In the future if someone wants to see someone on the show, I will add it to the list. And I will mark some folks off when they happen.

I think the next couple of months will really blow people away. I am pretty happy with where the show has gone over the last couple of years, and I think that the Inkstuds are just starting to hit the mark the road can only go up from here.

Edit, names added, status changed on some.

Normal = been on already, or is scheduled to be on soon.

Bold = has been confirmed to be on, just needs to be scheduled.

Italized = Don’t think it will happen, but I would love to have them on.

Normal = I need to get off my ass and contact, or read more by them.

Joe Matt
Dave Sim
Dave McKean (CAGES)
Craig Thompson
John Hankiewicz
Frank Santoro
Dan Clowes
Chris Ware
Lynda Barry
Eleanor Davis and Drew Weing
Jim Mahfood
Dave Crosland
Chynna Clugston
Scott Chantler
Kevin Huizenga

Phil Barrett
Gabriel Frizzera
James Lloyd
Joann Sfar
Dave Cooper
Lewis Trondheim
Christophe Blain
David B.
Dupuy & Berberian
Paul Grist
Paul Pope
Paul Hornsheimer

Jordi Bernet
Bryan Lee O’Malley
Kaz Strzepek
Sammy Harkham
Ashley Wood
Jordan Crane
Alan Moore
Warren Ellis
Grant Morrison
Doug TenNapel
Darwyn Cooke
Michel Rabagliati
Mike Allred
Charles Burns
Frank Espinosa
Publisher of Dargaud
Chris Oliveros at Drawn & Quarterly
John K
Cathy Malkasian
Joe Sayers
Nicholas Gurewitch
Nicole J. Georges
Jim Woodring
Jules Feiffer
Daniel Raeburn
Nicholas Gurewitch
David Mathews
Roger Langridge
Michael Kupperman
Ben Towle
Ted Stearn
Lark Pien (sp?)
Bart Beaty
Douglas Wolk
J. Marc Schmidt
Darwyn Cooke
James Owen
Jamie Tanners
J Bradley Johnson
Jack Davis – If anyone can help connect me with him, I would owe you big time.
Graham Annable
Sergio Aragones
Ronald Searle
Josué Menjivar
Shannon Wheeler
Gary Panter
Mat Brinkman
Brian Chippendale

Like I said, this list will grow, and I promise to attempt 2 requests a month. But if I fail, sorry.

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5 Responses to Response to Listener Request

  1. neo says:

    inkstuds really needs a daniel clowes interview, its in the name 🙂

  2. suzanne says:

    I second the 1st comment, is there a clowes/gilbert hernandez interview on the horizon??

    • inkstuds says:

      Nope and nope. Beto doesnt do interviews anymore and Clowes has declined at this point in time. But he does approve of the name.

  3. suzanne says:

    Wow thats a great shame on both parts, maybe Clowes will come out of shell for an interview once that new comic he’s working on comes out.

    This is probably old news to you guys

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