
Back for more 4 years later, after being my first guest ever, Seth and I seem to start right where our previous conversation left off. I am a really big admirer of Seth’s work, and this interview was very enlightening in new ways that I was not familiar with him before. Be sure to check out George Sprott, it’s pretty great.

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8 Responses to Seth

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Inkstuds » Blog Archive » Seth --

  2. Pingback: Journalista – the news weblog of The Comics Journal » Blog Archive » Nov. 6, 2009: How nice for you

  3. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  4. It’s cut off! Will more be put online later, or did you run over time?

    It’s a very good interview, by the way.

  5. inkstuds says:

    Seems to work fine for me, it should just be over 70 minutes.

  6. joshg says:

    seth sounds like and talks how his books read. he seems like his books…I know this doesn’t make any sense.
    but thanks for the interesting interview. seth is an important cartoonist, for sure, and i enjoy some of this work.

  7. joshg says:

    also, more tangibly, i’d like to say that when seth talks around 40mins somewhere about huge canadian public figures from the past like pierre burton, being kind of hollow or buffoonish, i immediately understood what he was talking about. having done a considerable amount of academic research myself on canadian radio history, on the cbc in the 1960s and earlier, etc., I can say that some of these giants of television of radio, these big-voiced, straight-talking, no-nonsense men had the air of another time about them, but also that they seem very obviously to me to have been “characters” or to have had characters which they played to the public. an odd and apt observation by seth that i wanted to comment on.

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