Simon Hanselmann


Tumblr wunderkind, Simon Hanselmann joined me to chat about his ongoing web work and the world of Megg, Mogg and Owl. Simon’s work can be found on his own tumblr, Girl Mountain and as well as his amazing Truth Zone strip on Comics WorkBook.

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4 Responses to Simon Hanselmann

  1. Sid Clark says:

    cool, funny guy.

    The Sticky Institute in Melbourne recently stocked 20 copies of my pamphlet, “Here, Have a Turd”, and said, “They have gone straight out onto the shelf to corrupt more young Australians.” Who could ask for better?

    I’ve also got a fairly popular tumblr blog, 1200 followers, but it is very pornographic. I wouldn’t want to post the link and alienate the faint-hearted Inkstuds listeners. My blog also features tons of hot fetish comic art by artists like Michael Kirwan, Sorenutz, Sardax, miscellaneous hentai, Phil Laskey, Bruce Baker, Pink, Barb, Bobby Luv, JayEm, Kimberley Wilder, Josman, Ian Hanks., Baldazzini. NBM does a great job publishing fetish art, but there’s no publication for bi or straight fetish enthusiasts to compare with the gay Handjob magazine. The gays seem to have the best artists.

  2. Jessica says:

    Love Simon Hanselmann’s work thanks for this interview 🙂

  3. Gav says:

    Man, I thought the person making this comic was a girl… I should stop fantasising on the internet.

  4. dave says:

    fucking great interview. best dude in comics right now!!

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