So I have a big stack of mini’s that I am very happy with picking up and need to share
with people. Even though I was unable to make it SPX, I still got some mighty fine stuff at Stumptown and Vancouver’s Comix and Stories convention.
Entering Joanne – Angela Stork had an awesome selection of arty goodness, but budget limited my to just picking up the one book. Its a really neat mix of a surreal story of a spider colony juxtaposed against one woman’s sexual frustrations. Angela’s work is a really nice tight ink-wash with dynamic figure drawings. I like the way she is able to capture simple honesty in her characters without pushing too far into them, she just uses enough to tell the story. Check out her site for goodness.
Skully Flower #3 – Dragon Green was nicely situated next to my good friend Joseph Bergin at Stumptown and happily exposed me to her comic fun. Collecting a selection of goods that she has been posting in her site, Skully Flower is a nicely drawn fun book about a young lady and her roommate, Skully Flower, whose name describes it perfectly. Dragon’s work is a really nice clean inking line that’s filled with fun. Go read the strip on her site and get sucked into the shlocky horror influenced silliness.
Jason McLean is one of my favorite Vancouver artists. While I didn’t get his stuff at either cons, it’s still nice small press stuff you should check out. Most comix folk will be familiar with his work through Marc Bell’s Nog A Dod. The most recent stuff he has been putting out, are nice collections in limited edition runs of 100 copies each. The first is called You Are So Far Away, it’s a collection of lists that seem like poetry that comes from your local telephone posts, espousing lost and forgotten ideas. The second is Wooden Heart, drawn over Dec/Jan of 2006/07. Wooden Heart is collection of freeform idea’s that seem to grew into odd semi-organic mechanations. Jason’s work is some of the more original stuff that you can come by. If you are interested in picking these up, go to the Gaff Gallery
and check out the selection of t-shirts by artists Marc Bell, Jason, Keith Jones and more.
More stuff tmrw.