Todd Hignite

In The Studio was one of the really strong formative influences on helping me decide what I wanted to do with the show. Really great interviews with interviewing cartoonists that strayed from the normal topics. I won’t say that I have reached that level of standards, but it set an expectation for myself.

So getting the offer to chat comics with Todd Hignite was something I could turn down. His latest book is the very fine Jaime Hernandez art book. Being a fan of both parties involved, makes me partial towards really liking it off the bat. Todd was also the driving force behind Comic Art Magazine and a contributor to the delightful Blog Flume.

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4 Responses to Todd Hignite

  1. I feel similarly about the impact In the Studio had on me, particularly the Jaime chapter, so I’m very excited for this book and to listen to the interview.

  2. A.Portnoy says:

    So, is Comic Art over as a continuing annual? If so, why? I felt like it was really getting better and better with each issue and then… nothing. Why did it stop?

    • inkstuds says:

      I can’t really answer why it stopped, but I do think it will be missed. You should ask Alvin if you see him at a con. He and Todd will both be at MoCCA.

  3. Pingback: Michel Fiffe » Birthdays, Reviews, Interviews and Tears of Joy

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